*walks through doorway carrying something in each hand*
"I offer you a choice"
*extends hands which contain a red apple in the right and a green apple in the left*
"Both contain great power, and I will grant you one"
*waits for response*
Hm....*picks green*
To obtain the power you must eat, and to prove they are not poisonous, i will eat the red
very well. *eats green*
*eats red* Can you control it yet? *extends left arm outwards as flames spout from my palm, creating a katana made of fire*
*Struggles at first, but manages to create katana* This power... It is amaZing. Thank you, stranger.
*Disperses flames and bows* I'm just here for the kebabs *i head out back and give you a slap on the shoulder as i walk by*