True, but I'm very experienced, I'll just be a pretty damn good Christmas noon then lol
You go from being a kinderguardian Christmas noob to a experienced veteran guardian Christmas noob
I think I'm at the experience veteran noob,
Personally id put you at mid experienced I'd say you need around another 10 raid completes and 1 32 character before reaching "veteran" status. Just having a Ghorn means nothing as it's RNG rewarded A few more raids and you could easily claim yourself as experienced
I have other exotics, I just had the gjallahorn on because I was doing crota hard mode
Exotics do not make an experienced player as they're awarded through RNG (the new guy getting carried with 1 kill could get an exotic just as much as the top guy) It's the raid completions, and number of hours out in that mark experience levels
True but I don't only have gjallahorn, and I didn't start raids til like 3 weeks ago, there really not that hard if u have a fire team that knows what they are doing
Youre a good christmas noob. Just work on ur grimiore score.
Yea I will, I got 1845 right now