Edited by Asriel Memurr: 2/2/2015 4:39:03 AM*throws knife with precision and block knife* *420 blazes you to kill* *Uses Exclusive MLG 420 Lenny weed snipar given to me from Activision and 360 no-scopes your entire team* Git gud m8 U g0t SHREKT skrub [spoiler]ayy lmao[/spoiler]
Deadpool: *Throws Pineapple Grenade* Bye bye :D
*uses riot shield given to me from Activision that gives me immunity to grenades to survive* *throws mlg knife throw that bounces of the ground and kills u* rekt m8
Deadpool: *Revives* Do you know who the fưck I am? *teleports behide you and shoves hammer up rectum* *insta-kill* *gets kill cam* Get rekt fagit I has two munch sawg, get gud kib
*throws knife behind me without looking and haedshawts u inb4 u try 2 kil rektum* lel keed git gud
Deadpool: lol, knives dont hurt me! * Shoves hammer deeper into rectum [spoiler]No homo[/spoiler]
*realizes im immune to getting hurt* *doesn't mind* o bby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [spoiler]no homo[/spoiler]
Deadpool: So we both cant die? Wait a sec... * pushes you off map * Lol get rekt
*Changes game to density* *Uses warlock self-res* *pushes you off map and throws grenades at ur ghost* warlock master race skrub
Deadpool: lol I never switched * teloports behide you and shotguns you in the back*
[quote]Deadpool: lol I never switched * teloports behide you and uses a cowards weapon you in the back*[/quote] fixed btw *noscopes UR faec* git gud fgt
Edited by DesticleStomper6: 2/2/2015 5:34:45 AMBoth your fgts r gun git shrekt 2nite *1080 noscopse collateral damages you both on 10 sensitivity* *turns on noscope aimbot cheatsorz that actyvishun and bangee give to meh (sponsored by mtndewritos)* *fgts respawn* *noscope* *nosccope* *noscope* *noscope* *noscope* *noscope* *noscope* *noscope* *1337 killstreak perk activated* *tactical shrek press down on dpad to use* *⬇* *its all ogre now, for this is his swamp...* *shrek spawns on map* *SO CHICKITY CHECK YOSELF BEEFO U SHREK YOSELF* *players have been shreked* *players have lost the game* *players have been booted from game because they were shrekt too hard* *connection to game lost* *were sorry but ur console has been banned* *omg DOOOD.....get SHREKT!!!1!1!11* OMG MUM GET THUH CAHMRAH!!!111!1!1!1!1!!!* SPONSERRD BY MTN DEW AND DEWRITOS LRN2GITGUD ACRUBS DRNK DEWRITOS OR ELSE UR CASUL, FGTS
dayum sun weherd U find dis m8 i r8 8/8 that deadpool fgt probs in optik we r in FaZe m8
I didn't find this m8, I did it.
m8 that's gr8
*fired opdr, over powered dildo rocket into UR rektum* Molesting + Technology = rekt