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Edited by Fooly16Cooly: 9/20/2015 2:16:42 AM

Recruiting anyone new to Destiny

I've helped many people in the past in Destiny. I figured I'd make a clan and get everyone together and make things a little easier. I've always helped people with nightfalls and showed cool tricks to getting in game content. If you're new to the game it's fine. Soon you'll be level 40 just like the rest of us!

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  • i need a clan i play alot of des how do i join one

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    • I need some help too, if this is still going on of course. I just got the Taken King Edition.

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      2 Replies
      • New player here - 31 y/o in uk and level 25 warlock looking for other players new to the game! Mostly play evenings and weekends. Casual gamer and new to Destiny on PS4

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      • Edited by Nighthawk rg: 1/11/2016 5:49:49 PM
        All i ever do are patrols because i dont understand the game all that well. I have had destiny for about 2 months, im a lv 20 warlock. i know the basics ( and i stress BASICS ) but would like help to fiend out if i am missing anything else. I would also like to have people to play a with. I also play on Xbox one

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        3 Replies
        • I'm a new player just loaded up last night on ps3 and only a wee level 9. So I'd be looking for some assistance and tips being this game is out of my comfort zone being a rpg /mmorpg player so add up and thanks

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          • If you are new to destiny or played the game less then a week. i can help you get geared up for endgame content fast. I just resently researched for alot of exotics so i can help you there too!!! i started about a month ago and i have all toons at level 40 with 290+ light. plus the refer a friend comes with a exclusive quest: A Tale of Two Guardians quest Rewards below: Elemental Infinite Edge EV-34 Vector Infinite Duo Dance High Five Infinite Link Sign of the Infinite Send me a friend request XB1 GT: projaguarlg

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          • Hello I'm a veteran player looking for a recruit to do the refer a friend quest Add: jonny_red13 on PS4 If you want to do it

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          • Edited by Kitsune Blyte: 12/6/2015 10:44:01 PM
            Veteran Xbox One player looking for a refer a friend partner If you accept message me on Xbox (My GT is Mistral Frost) or here on

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          • Not exactly new to destiny but could use some help leveling up message Gt:FreelancerBravo on Xbox one if you can help

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          • Edited by ULTRA_FUS1ONZ: 12/5/2015 6:18:37 AM
            Hello New players I am a 315 titan on PS4 looking for a new player to take them through destiny and teach them about the game Add: ULTRA_FUS1ONZ Message me saying you are new and have referred me here in the link below

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            • New to Destiny! Looking for people to play with! PS3 still. Message: edgyheart249

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            • I feel like a noob , but I need friends ... I just made the jump from PS3 to Ps4 . Add me same name > lets do the refer a friend ? >>>

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            • Im a 318 hunter needing to refer a friend message me on xbox one if you are a new player two destiny GT Mr TuRnEd

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            • If anyone has played destiny for less than 7 days and would lile to do the refer a friend even, i have a code i can give, we will both get rewarded with sweet loot. Message me if you have only played for less than 7 days

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            • Hey guys I'm thinking of starting a Ps4 destiny clan! hit me up Oloughlin_69 we will do Raid Challenge every week Help Raids Nightfalls PvP and much much more must be NZ or AUS thank you!

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              • KINGS FALL RAID HARD GOLGORATH CHECKPOINT [u][b]MUST BE 308+[/b][/u] [u]MESSAGE Xxmuffin123xX[/u]

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                • Anyone have a totems checkpoint normal ? I'm new to ps4 but have done this raid countless times I'm only 288 but running blessing and weapons ... Will some 300+ help me ? Add Gilffmannn :) need my first ghost

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                  • Candyskull Gaming (CSG) Is recruiting New clan for PS4 only. We have a hardcore crucible team, and the rest of the clan does everything in destiny including running raids. This clan is for people that want to actually enjoy destiny with friends and not have to deal with forums or anything else. We are a mature clan so age 18+ only please. We are accepting 300+ players only. If you are a hardcore crucible player and wish to join our crucible team, message (do not add) Thevastgamer on PS4, not through the bungie website or app. He will have to clear you before you become part of it. If you are interested in joining us feel free to message me or add me on psn, Or go directly to the clan page and join. You can only become part of the actual clan if you are 300+ or have been cleared by thevastgamer for crucible. -Stay chill and peace fam.

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                    • New to ps4 on 360 I'm 315 316 316 , on ps4 tho I'm new so need to do 3 characters from scratch if people can volunteer to drag me through levels for the full campaign add me , Gilffmannn

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                      2 Replies
                      • Rebellious Sinister We are helpful, friendly, and active players. We try to help out members with quests, bounties, or even with running raids, strikes, and crucible. Also run raids or nightfall every week and strikes or crucible everyday, and we are on Pacific time but other timezones are also welcome. Just be patient, know how to have fun, and a team player Thats all the requirements we have :) Just shoot one of us if you want to come and join! Leaders: PSN Jermylyn Jermlyn Dirtygurty69

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                        • Candyskull Gaming (CSG) Is recruiting Destiny isn't that fun playing alone. You just want a clan with people who are chill and active then we have a place for you. If your a hardcore crucible player we have a place for you. You like raids and/or strikes we have a place for you. With some time and help this group will become something big and great. And this is just the start. We are a chill group for ps4 meant to be a group that comes together mich like a family to play and have fun with people that are decent at the game and are laid back. We are like family here so we have zero tolerance if you are messing that up. It is meant for adults but kids that are mature are welcomed. We participate in everything destiny has to offer and we will succeed in everything with each others help. Hope everyone can find a place here and enjoy gaming. Feel free to add me on psn or message me for any additional questions. My username is same as above: poppinswag: to clarify- and I hope this group is a fit to your liking - stay chill and peace

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                          • Need 5 for kings fall fresh raid must have experience in every thing must be 300 plus unless it's your second character message canesfan98 on xbox360

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                            • Experienced XBOXONE destiny player looking for a new player to get the refer a friend quest rewards. Let's be honest it's unlikely I will find someone to do this with and yes I'm doing it for mostly selfish reasonS but bottom line is I'm a first month player 1000+ hours have completed just about everything you can in the game and I'm willing to level you to 40 and complete all the required steps. So if you're interested let me know. Pst me on here for a invite code. 317-Hunter 316-Titan 316-Lock

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                              2 Replies
                              • Hello I am a vet player with over 950 hours. I'm looking for a new player to teach them about the world of destiny. I can help you with your missions and take you in to raids. I will help you complete all your quest and get you to your max level. I'm on Xbox.

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                                • Hello referees! I'm a veteran (Warlock) looking for some noobs (no offense everyone was the there). It would be awesome for you to link with this guy! Here's my code: P.S I'm on PS4 add BrewCrewjbh

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • Hello referees! I'm a day 1 guardian (Warlock) looking for some referees. It would be awesome for you to link with this guy! Here's my code: P.S I'm on PS4 add BrewCrewjbh

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