Deadpool: What was that? I couldn't here you over the sound of your real head being smashed in. *Smashes your head in with dual hammers* I can not make since on a super natural level, find the real you was child's play, get rekt. No one other than ninja can be the op.
Big Bang- What was that? Was that your pathetic scream when I ripped your atoms apart by the millions? Pussy
Big Bang- Does that stop the pain though?
Deadpool: you think I care about PAIN?!??!?!?!
*Rips away the chemical compound that gives you your power* Feel the burn
Deadpool: *Takes it back and multiples its strength* Mine.
*I make it so that the serum you use now is pulled away from you and oxidized.* *I also make it so that the serum you have in your bloodstream will not exist from this on forward, so you'll retain painful memories of your past glory*