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Edited by Beetfarmer89: 2/2/2015 3:35:27 PM

Dragons Breath - It's better than you might think.

As the title reads above, I believe Dragons Breath is better than many of you may think. Better than Gjallahorn in many cases. [i]I am not saying it replaces Ghorn in every encounter, just in some situations.[/i] I run DB in Crota's End in every phase except for the Crota fight with extreme success. Lamps - Drop a huge blast with the Flare at a lamp and let your fireteam recover breifly. Dropping a blast in your path will cause the thrall to disperse all over the place, often killing themselves falling into holes. And lastly, firing it at the base of the bridge, keeps thrall back, while you wait for it to build and while you sprint across the bridge. Bridge- If you know the lanes where the mobs spawn, you can spam them with DB, dealing significant damage to them as soon as they exit. Hallway - 1 DB rocket at 331 kills a shrieker. Also, firing the rockets into the hallway, clears it of thralls for your runner to make the 2nd chest. Ir Yut- This encounter is where the Rocket Launcher really shines. After killing both wizards, and clearing the shriekers on both sides, rush left and dump 5 remaining DB's shells into her and she literally melts. She barely moves, and basically sits in the AOE damage the whole time. Not to mention it deals TONS of damage to the adds around her. [i]Also, most of the strike bosses hardly move, which makes DB extremely effective for them. Such as the devil walker, valas, phogoth, sepikis, the templar in VOG and the nexus. The list goes on and on.[/i] [b]Edit: I'll get some guardians together today, and use our DB's to show just how effective they are. Stand by for youtube links. Give me a day or so, I am a parent so I get about 1-2 hours a day tops. [/b] [b]Oh wow, this is trending. Apparently people don't believe me.[/b]

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  • Dragon's Breath is simply out-shined by the Gjallarhorn is almost every aspect. It should have been an Arc damage rocket launcher, and instead of leaving behind a solar grenade, the lightning field that remains after a Fist of Havoc would have given it a reason to be used over the Gjallarhorn. It's just as redundant as Dragon's Breath (a little less redundant, really), but at least it would be useful. Name it Raigeki or something. Other ideas? Discuss.

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    • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    • DB is amazing on the nexus because you can get the orb between him and his shell so he can't move away from it until it disappears and since he is so close it does max dps

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    • I picked up DB for this exact reason. I know Ghorn will outdo it for raw damage in a single explosion, but for utility purposes, things where you need to close off a zone or push enemies back? Dragon's Breath is much more than just a source of damage. And THAT is why it's so amazing.

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    • I'll try it out of it's really that good. I still think ghorny is the best.

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    • Thats great...G horn literally does everything you just said...except it actually kills the enemies instead of just moving them. And out does it in damage. Title Edit: Dragons Breath - It is just as bad as you think.

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      • I like this. Some genius ideas here

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      • Edited by AyyLmao: 2/2/2015 10:33:28 PM
        Ghorn literally does the same things but at a much better rate. Dragon's Breath can't be good because it lacks tracking and its velocity is suffering. The solar grenade damage is also too damn low think I've seen it do 92 max damage. Until they fix these issues Dragon's Breath will be the 3rd most used rocket launcher.

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        20 Replies
        • Cool thanks. I fully leveled it and stuck it in the vault. Maybe it's time to pop the cherry

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        • I don't use DB in the raid but I use it in strikes and it kicks ass.

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        • Edited by MLN_Toad: 2/2/2015 11:34:33 PM
          Hey thanks this is a good post and it taught me to not judge weapons so soon, I leveled it up but didn't really think of any good uses for it but this really gives me other options in the beginning cause hunger of crota has not dropped for me and ghorn is to dangerous on hm in the beginning phases yea call me a scrub but if I know there could be a moment when I put my team at risk I will think better then have a thrall Jump at me and pull some suicide shit

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        • Hunter of Crota, great option if you don't have ghorn

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          6 Replies
          • I use it regularly on Nexus, valus and the devil walker. Works particularly well on the nexus, you can herd it into a favourable position then spam grenades

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          • I love DB, awesome launcher.

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          • Ps4? I would love to prove that :D

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          • Yeah I got mine before the ghorn and besides tracking it just melts shit.

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          • Like OP said, it's a situational exotic. Of course Ghorn will be a better choice most every time but to say this rocket launcher is useless is a little silly.

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            • Edited by Canad1anBacon37: 2/2/2015 10:56:09 PM
              Although it certainly outshines Gjally on the lamps, on Ir Yut and Hallway, Gjallarhorn also one-shots shriekers at 331, and it melts Ir Yut too. (I can solo Ir Yut as a level 31 Titan with Gjallarhorn). So all in all, although Dragon's Breath isn't as inferior to Gjllarhorn as many think. Gjallarhorn is still better overall. This is kind of unrelated as well, but Using Icebreaker or Black Hammer on Aksor, the Archon Priest, is amazing. You can just literally stunlock him with headshot after headshot while your team takes him down. (Your mention of strike bosses brought this to my mind).

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              4 Replies
              • Everything about this post is terrible. It's misinformation. Arguing that the Dragons Breath is better than the Gjallarhorn in "many cases" was your first mistake. There is no launcher more powerful than the Gjallarhorn. Period. The Gjallarhorn is easily just as effective in every one of the examples that you provided. The most hilarious part of your post is when you implied that the Gjallarhorn was inferior to the Dragons Breath on the Deathsinger part. LOLOL and a LMFAO. Why even worry about DPSing the enemies with the Solar Flare when you could easily just destroy them with the Gjallarhorn? This post is rubbish and OP is a troll.

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                3 Replies
                • I love dragons breath I think one should be used on crota

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                  • Edited by CIASECURITYVAN: 2/2/2015 10:50:43 PM
                    I feel the same about this launcher. I finally maxed it after being sold by Xur again (I thought, ugh, I guess I'll use it...). I was surprised at how well it performs. It's underrated for sure. If you can't use rocket launchers without tracking, it's a pass, but otherwise I think it's great.

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                  • I got both maxed out and I actually prefer dragon breath to ghorne But when it comes to raids and NF of course I think ghorne is at its prime

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                  • Hey I'll run with you.I also have a capture card.

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                  • 1
                    all good points. I'll need to upgrade mine now.

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                    • if dragons breath had tracking It would be numero uno!!!

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                      • Edited by eternal_napalm: 2/2/2015 9:50:05 PM
                        Thunderlord is overall the best Exotic for CE

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