As the title reads above, I believe Dragons Breath is better than many of you may think. Better than Gjallahorn in many cases.
[i]I am not saying it replaces Ghorn in every encounter, just in some situations.[/i]
I run DB in Crota's End in every phase except for the Crota fight with extreme success.
Lamps - Drop a huge blast with the Flare at a lamp and let your fireteam recover breifly.
Dropping a blast in your path will cause the thrall to disperse all over the place, often killing themselves falling into holes.
And lastly, firing it at the base of the bridge, keeps thrall back, while you wait for it to build and while you sprint across the bridge.
Bridge- If you know the lanes where the mobs spawn, you can spam them with DB, dealing significant damage to them as soon as they exit.
Hallway - 1 DB rocket at 331 kills a shrieker. Also, firing the rockets into the hallway, clears it of thralls for your runner to make the 2nd chest.
Ir Yut- This encounter is where the Rocket Launcher really shines. After killing both wizards, and clearing the shriekers on both sides, rush left and dump 5 remaining DB's shells into her and she literally melts. She barely moves, and basically sits in the AOE damage the whole time. Not to mention it deals TONS of damage to the adds around her.
[i]Also, most of the strike bosses hardly move, which makes DB extremely effective for them. Such as the devil walker, valas, phogoth, sepikis, the templar in VOG and the nexus. The list goes on and on.[/i]
[b]Edit: I'll get some guardians together today, and use our DB's to show just how effective they are. Stand by for youtube links. Give me a day or so, I am a parent so I get about 1-2 hours a day tops. [/b]
[b]Oh wow, this is trending. Apparently people don't believe me.[/b]
Add on to that a Warlock with Vortex Mastery or Sunbreakers and you've got a bunch of DoTs everywhere
I don't like too much Hunger of Crota... Do you think The Truth is better than that shit?
I would rather have hunger of crota equipped and have icebreaker by my side
I agree I love this weapon!! Tho I still wouldn't mind a Ghorn!!
People don't say it's bad it's unique it's just ghor is better and people rather use that
Edited by MLG WeeZy08: 2/2/2015 8:43:28 PMGjallarhorn > Dragons Breath
I love my DB
I don't have the Gally, so so can't comment on comparison, but Dragons Breath is a beast for any tactical player. Looking to create alternative avenues of approach to funnel enemies? DB. Looking to lock bosses in place without stunning them? DB. It's a tactical thinkers weapon, just like NLB.
G 4 lyf
Edited by mma hoodie: 2/2/2015 4:12:30 PMIf I see someone in a raid with dragons breath I leave Edit didn't realize how many bad players there are lmfao , yeah I don't have a crazy amount of raid completes because I got everything I need form the raids vex all raid armor all raid weapons only thing I'm missing is necrocasm and I could care less about that thing but let me guess you al think that's good to right ? Dragons breath is GARBAGE case closed unless your using it for some kinda glitch I never tried but herd you can glitch crota with it besides for that it sucks. Muted
Edited by Tut813275: 2/2/2015 8:09:01 PMWhat if there was a rocket that blinded enemies called [b]"Flash Boom"[/b]...good bye jellyhorn?
does it one shot in hard mode the sheirkers? 9 IDK how to spell it)
I never thought about the techniques you mentioned and wow, those great techniques. I don't have ghorn but I do have DB since I got it in the crucible. I'm going to upgrade it and use it, thanks for posting this.
I like the dragons breath, the only thing I wish is that the solar flare at the end would stick to enemies versus just staying in one spot or at least add tracking.
Dragons Breath is trash. An exotic rocket launcher that doesn't track? BWHAHAHA what a joke. All the DLC exotics are terrible.
When it comes down to it for me the two rockets actually fill different roles. Ghorn and other tracking low blast radius rockets are meant for single target damage, of course they are ok at mob clearing and that but they most certainly don't excel in that area. As for DB a non tracking large blast radius rocket it performs exceedingly well in mob clearing and of course it's ok on single target too but not as good as ghorn I couldn't believe when I started using hunger of Crota after using DB. I was using it like I was DB and it was very poor. Then on things like wizards I was like holy shit it's great. So basically just saying just cuz they're both rockets doesn't mean they fill the exact same role albeit similar ones
It really is a good launcher, and even great for PvP. Had loads of triples due to the f--king massive blast radius. Most of the people who say its bad, are the bad players.
Half of DBs uses you listed can be accomplished with grenades.
I got a maxed DB if ya need a guardian.
I bought one, busy upgrading other weapons but once I read the perks I knew I needed one
I completely agree
Dragon's Breath is much weaker than the other two exotic rockets. I keep the 1, and scrap the rest
Does anyone know if the sunsinger perks for all nades ignite enemies and ignited enemies burn longer for more damage work with the flare?
Not gonna waste an exotic slot on the worst rocket launcher in game.
LOL, nice troll post dude.