I stopped reading after you said better than g-horn... Dont be stupid
Just raising awareness for the community. It is very effective.
Both are situational... Gjallahorn is considered too good to waste ammo on ads, and DB is considered inferior against bosses... If i was to use a rocket launcher, more often than not it is to help me take down majors or ultras... Hence why i use gjallahorn, my primary and special are there for the ads
In most cases, I agree. However, there are instances where DB does significant more damage. I just want the conversation to be had. I had to learn this out of experimentation and boredom. I want other to know of its high potential.
You empty all your DB ammo into a boss, and then empty a gjallahorn into a boss and you will infact see that your statement is wrong haha
His point is that if the major/ultra doesn't move dragons breath does around the same or even more because they sit in the aoe the whole time
But its not? There is a reason gjallahorn is the best launcher in the game...