I'd been carrying a Husk around for about a month, figuring there was nothing to do with it until I had all the parts to upgrade it. Yesterday I finally got a character to Level 3 with Eris and bought the Orb, so I spent the morning shooting Hive until the Husk was ready to upgrade. Add 1 Embalming Orb, you get a serviceable little legendary rifle. Not too shabby. (Also, I accidentally typed that "Emblaming Orb" first time; sounds like a Forum relic.)
Now comes the eerie part. I start using the Eidolon Ally for all my activities. I'm shooting Fallen, Cabal... and Hive. I'm patrolling the Moon when I come across and kill a Blade of Crota with my Eidolon Ally, and what drops out but another Husk. This morning, same thing. 2 days in a row. As if they're... [i]attracted[/i] to it, somehow...
This is starting to creep me out, man.............
Just got mine 2 weeks ago, getting to level 3 with Eris. Since I got the first one, 3 more have dropped for me. Just like Ice breaker, after one dropped for me, another has dropped, need one more so all my guardians have one.Seems like once you get it, you get it again and again.