If you could make a third super for your guardian what would it be?
Titan 3rd subclass: Neutronicide Become an unstoppable force comprised of super-dense neutron star mass. Steam roll enemies simply by running over them and cause localized shockwaves by jumping.
Hunter-Trapper Idk what this super would be called but you would lay down a net or some kind of acid on the group and it would stop all enemies from moving( even strike bosses) and damage them over time for about 10 seconds
Nipple inspector: your character teleports to enemys and rips off there nipples then places tgem in a jar this super can only be activated while high.
Hunter void subclass Nova launcher Shoots nova bombs Has 3 shots
Solar Storm: Your Warlock calls down a firestorm of solar grenades in the vicinity that have lasting burn effects and a larger timer than normal solar grenades.
[b]Solar Titan[/b] Subclass - Berserker [i]The passion and fury of a thousand suns.[/i] Super - Immolation The Titan is set ablaze, offering damage resistance and boosted movement speed for the duration. Enemies that get too close suffer damage over time. Can be augmented to instantly reset melee cooldown throughout its duration, to cause all Solar damage sources to gain an Ignite effect, or to repel incoming rockets and projectiles. [b]Arc Warlock[/b] Subclass - Stormcaller [i]Power. Unlimited power.[/i] Super - Chain Lightning The Warlock looses a violent bolt of lightning from its hands, which can then jump to nearby targets. The sudden, dazzling flash blinds enemies, even if they aren't struck. Can be augmented to jump further/to more targets, cause an explosion on each hit, or have two bolts per charge. [b]Void Hunter[/b] Subclass - Deathstalker [i]To subdue the Darkness requires an understanding of it.[/i] Super - Gravity Well The Hunter creates a chasm of Void Light at a designated area. Enemies who touch it are slowed down (movement, aiming, and reloading), cannot jump or activate abilities, and suffer damage over time. Can be augmented to also reduce affected targets' armor, damage output, or deal more damage.
Sure, I'll share mine: Titan Solar subclass: Breaker Super: Forge of Ruin Imbue all weapons with the traveller's light, dealing solar damage and removing the need to reload, firing ammo from your reserves. Each shot reduces your super meter based on it's impact. 1st perk: gain additional armor while super is active 2nd perk: increased super duration 3rd perk: activating your super replenishes your ammo My mind is blank for the other classes. LOL
fire titan super forget the name and description it turns into a fire sword that is like striker swings can only do 3 smashes or 9 slashes
Titan Merge between defender and striker
Kamehameha for titan. A bow that has different arrows (upon choice of skill) for hunter Dunno about warlock lol sorry
Twenty seconds of unlimited throwing knives!
Hunter:void Vanquisher Go into the void Super:cloak of the void You and nearby allies gain invisibility. Upgrades: You can shoot without kissing invisibility Gain a damage bonus and shield bonus When you activate your super other supers are cut in half Melee: Blade of the void: Your knife stabs two enemies at once. You get a shield after knifing Your knife stacks twice and does additional damage with each stack Gernades: Mark of the void: Your grenade marks enemies. Void tacks: small spikes liter the ground even after you die Void shards: you grenade explodes and causes damage over time
Voidiance. You can pop off nova bombs as fast as grenades in radiance. >:D
Warlock: Stormbringer Grenades: Arc Flash: like a modern frag, this grenade can bounce, but has a short "cook" time. Arc Storm: identical to the titans grenade which shoots lightning in a direction above it. Energy Sphere: creates a small sphere around the point of contact, where arc energy freely flows. Melee: like the hunters throwing knife, this melee has range. Shooting a bolt of lightning directly towards your target, this blast has slightly less damage than throwing knife, but still has precision damage. Super: a bolt of lightning strikes the warlock, filling his body with light. When very similar to golden gun, but has a charge, instead of ammunition, like arc blade. Right bumper will use the variant (see below) selected. Variants: 1: unleashes a shield of arc around you, protecting you from bullets, but only for a limited time. 2: gives a temporary buff that allows for a very high glide, allowing the warlock to nearly fly. 3: brings another bolt of lightning down where the target was placed, and can instantly Kill anyone who touches, but will only damage in a small AoE.
Here are some ideas I think would be cool. Feel free to use any or no parts of them. I'm sure there are cooler ideas out there. Hunter (Bowmaster): Wraith Bow - Summon a powerful bow of void-light and fire incorporeal arrows through your foes. Fires in a straight line, continuing through targets, dealing damage to each one. Travels for the game equivalent of 40 yards or until an arrow hits a hard surface. 2 arrows. Possible upgrades might be an extra arrow, increased range, targets explode upon death, etc. Titan (Berserker): Inferno Wave - Creates a 360 degree blast of solar light that pushes enemies back and deals damage over time to pushed targets afterwards. Possible upgrades could be increased radius of blast, a one time overshield, a second blast that launches itself a few seconds after the first, etc. Warlock (Shocktrooper): Tempest Bolt - Use both hands to launch bolts of electricity with significantly increased range at the foe. Hold triggers to sustain lightning. On a timer like arc blade or golden gun. One would have to hold the triggers down for a second or two to kill a player. Possible upgrades may be increased duration, dealing damage siphons health, kills chain the lightning to another foe, etc.
420 Sniper Hunter Get rekt Super Gain a void sniper with tracking for 10 seconds
Titan subclass: Kent Super: Man ;8) Ed
[u]Titan[/u] Solar Subclass. [i]Incinerator[/i]. Super: [b]Fury of A Thousand Suns[/b] - The Titan summons a firestorm that does AoE damage and burns for 10 seconds; the Titan also gains a small damage buff for the duration of the Firestorm. [u]Warlock[/u] Arc Subclass. [i]Arcbender[/i] (Needs a better name). Super: [b]Electric Current[/b] - The Warlock has 5 shots for an arc gun. The gun marks enemies/friendlies. Enemies are struck with chain lightining; friendlies are granted an overshield and a small, timed buff to weapons damage. These ideas need some work.
Solar nova bomb called sunrise expoltion
Instead I'll just wait a few months and find out what the real one actually is :)
Edited by A FILTHY NUT: 2/3/2015 5:05:21 AMVoid Hunter subclass super: True Demise The Hunter becomes surrounded by a dark aura. In first person view (kinda like gunslinger) you can press RT to cast a spell that is pointed from your finger. This brings forth a small void bomb that travels at moderate speeds to track an enemy (similar to the voidwalker's axion bolt grenade). This attack then stick to the enemy and detonates on them into a small vortex (similar to a small nova bomb). As a result, enemys can either be poisoned and slowed down or have their health absorbed depending on the perks enabled. There would be a recharge for this ability during the super similar to the phase of how grenades would work for a sunsinger warlock's radiance.
I'd just give my titan axion bolt, I mean who wouldn't want a grenade that chases you across the map?
Bow of the Void Super summons a glowing void bow making you levitate and glow purple, for a period of time you shoot arrows that do ridiculous tons of damage.
Hunter Predator of the void Void bow that shoots one giant void arrow. Upon impact the arrow creates an implosion that sucks in all nearby enemies damaging them, and then the arrow explores hurtling enemies dealing additional damage. the more enemies contained in the implosion, the more energy to create a violent explosion exists. Upgrades 1.explosion leaves a vortex 2.increased radius of both plosions 3. The enemies effected by either plosion become blind
Edited by Tenacious_B: 2/3/2015 4:57:08 AMVoid hunter that can split into 4 extra shadows that auto attack with void blade around you as you shoot
dual wield for hunters