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Edited by Khan the Reaper: 7/25/2015 6:49:29 PM

Exotic Maker. Perk Maker. Sublcass Maker

Edit 7/25: For people having trouble with ideas, here's two themes that may help. Theme #1 Class specific exotics: in the taken king, we're suppose to be getting some. Let's see what you guys can come up with. Theme #2 Toxotics: this is basically an exotic with an amazing perk but it is also hurts you somehow. Not really doing a competition because I'm very inconsistent. Edit 7/24: Glad to see we're getting some traffic going again. I've decided to change what this forum is about. I want it to be a creation outlet for everyone to share their ideas, not just for exotic gear. Hopefully you guys like the change. I'll try and include some examples. Edit 6/11: Wow, I'm surprised that people actually want this forum to stay alive. I'm sorry for being silent for so long so I've responded to a couple of posts. I'll try and respond to anyone else that adds something. Also I'm going to look for the list of exotics that I have from the last competition. I'll post it when I find it. I'm debating on doing another one. Message me if you think I should. Exotic list - Old Favorites [spoiler] I also included the names of all the creators. [/spoiler] Name: Type: Description: Design: Attributes: Initial Upgrades: Exotic Upgrade: Here are some of my examples. Gunslinger [spoiler]Name: Jester's Will Type: exotic hunter helm Description: Don't fall prey to the tricks of a mad jester. You will regret it. Design: a normal hunter helmet with a white smiling mask surrounds the front of the helmet. Attributes: Strength Upgrades: melee attack speed, orbs regen melee energy Exotic upgrade: Dancing Joker- the gunslingers throwing knife leaves a dancing after image of the guardian on the spot that it is thrown and lasts 8 seconds. In pve, they take aggro from enemies. In pvp they show up on the radar as enemies.[/spoiler] Striker [spoiler]Name: Rulers Helm Type: Titan helmet Description: When faced against the will of a king, one must ask, "How do I repent?" Design: Golden helm with a crown melted into the top. Attributes: Intellect Upgrades: Grenades give more super energy, killing minions of the darkness grant more super energy Exotic Upgrade: Monarch's Wrath- Fist of havoc does more damage and kills with your super grant the titan an armor of light that lasts 5 seconds.[/spoiler] Void walker [spoiler]Name: Abyss Gravity Type: warlock helm Description: Return to me... Design: a grey warlock helm with small void particles surrounding it. Attributes: Intellect, discipline Upgrades: melee hits replenish grenade energy, more super energy from genade kills Exotic Upgrade: Abyss Gravity- vortex grenades and nova bomb have an increased radius for their damaging fields. They also have a strong singularity effect that pulls people in its radius to the the center. [/spoiler] Sun singer [spoiler]Name: Flight of Hermes Type: Warlock boots Description: True freedom is only known to the sky's. Design: Navy blue pants with large golden wings on the outer left and right side of the feet. Attributes: Discipline Upgrades: heavy ammo, speed reload primaries Exotic upgrade: Flight-extends the duration of angel of light. Grants a speed boost and better control while airborne.[/spoiler] Defender [spoiler]Name: Dynamo Luminescent Type: Titan chest Description: Bring forth the light. Design: A dark blue armor piece with an orb of light inside the chest and two small ones on both shoulders. Attributes: Intellect, Discipline Upgrades: bonus special ammo, reload speed for pulse rifles Exotic upgrade: Light Giver-Gift of light(orb gens with force barrier kills), gift of the void(damage to ward dawn gens orbs), and iron harvest(chance for orbs with heavy kills) are free perks. [/spoiler] Blade dancer [spoiler]Name: Shadow? Description: Design: Attributes:intellect Upgrades: Exotic Upgrade: Nightcrawler-gain a blink slide and sliding gives a chance to go invisible[/spoiler] I love to hear feedback about my own stuff as well Some more of my ideas. [spoiler]Name: Mike Titan Type: titan gauntlets Description: You just got knocked the -blam!- out! Design: boxing gloves Attributes: strength Upgrades: melee speed, grenade hits give melee energy Exotic: gives striker storm fist a stun ability as well as a knock back effect. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Name: Breacher's Gauntlets Type: hunter gauntlets Description: Knock Knock.... Design: bullets up and down the sleeves with grenades around the shoulder Attributes: Discipline Upgrades:orbs replenish health, melee replenishes grenade energy Exotic upgrade: Specialist- Doubles the amount of clusters from Swarm and Skip grenades. [/spoiler] [spoiler]Name: Traveller's Dawn Type: Titan Chest Description: Bathe in the light of the traveller. Design: clear muscle shaped armor with the the crest of the traveler in the top right. Attributes: Intellect, strength Upgrades: bonus heavy ammo, heavy reload speed Exotic Upgrade: Supreme Aegis- Armor of light is a free perk [/spoiler]

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  • Bump

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  • Name: Dark Star Description: Not all light carries the good of the traveler Exotic rocket launcher Exotic perk: Lord of the Night: By pressing the trigger after a shell is fired, the shell disperses, doing no damage, but rendering the room black as night (with stars of course) for the enemies, but you can still see. This gun does void damage The gun has the appearance of being made out of old, black iron. It is simply crafted and rough where pieces come together.

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  • Exotic. BallBuster! If you shoot them in the balls, instant death!

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    Name: Judgement Day Type: Exotic solar rocket launcher Description: The end is near.... Design: A black bulky looking rocket launcher with yellow neon lines going across the launcher. Attributes: This weapon regenerates ammo over time. Initial upgrades: Tracking, Flared Magwell, Javelin, snap shot. Exotic upgrade: Judgement Day: Rockets fired from this weapon will split in two when in close proximity of two enemies. Rockets will also cause enemies to take damage over time.

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    • Shard "Allow it to pierce your soul." Hand Cannon Rate of Fire: High Impact: Medium Range: Medium Stability: High Reload: Medium Magazine: 12 Initial Perk: Lucky Chamber- a random round will deal bonus damage. Exotic perk: Impalement. Can overpenetrate armour, including Cabal Phalanx shields and Hive Knight Shields Precision kill chains the shot to a nearby enemy Appearance: A blue-grey handcannon, sharp like Thorn but stylish like the Last Word. Bullets have a blue effect. Notes: Sounds like a classic Desert Eagle, with a slight chime. The chain shot deals less damage than the initial shot. My idea of an awesome and very helpful handcannon. Initial perk: Lucky Chamber

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    • The Inquisitor Hand cannon RoF: on par with thorn Impact: medium Range: medium Stability: high Reload: medium Mag: 10 rounds First perk: outlaw- precision kills boost the reload speed. Middle perks: Send it-Increase range and accuracy Flared magwell: Increase reload High caliber rounds- Oversize rounds stagger targets. Exotic Perk: Binding rounds Head shots give a suppression effect that is refreshed with each head shot. Head shots do more damage. Ascetics: Pure white with a red handish style.

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    • Make me some sniper rifle perks

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    • Name: Anarchists Folly Type: Fusion Rifle Desc: Anarchy is just a word, only the anarchist can make that word an action. 1st perk: Outlaw Exotic perk: Anarchists Folly( the fusion rifle's bursts are randomly chosen from the three burn modifiers, prior to obtaining this perk it deals kinetic damage) Aesthetic: It it a slick black fusion rifle with a tripod magazine comprised of three coils of void, arc, and solar damage

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    • Name: The Grim Reaper Type: hand cannon Description: Cold as Death... Attributes: Void damage Initial upgrade: Increased range while scoping Exotic upgrade: 'The Grim Reaper' Damage with this weapon uses Voidwalker energy drain effect, while also boosting stats (Armour, Recovery and agility) Getting the Grim reaper: probably off night fall (extremely rare), Xur (extremely rare) and a madly difficult exotic bounty.

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    • Edited by ihateyou7777: 3/11/2015 3:06:02 AM
      Name: ? Desc: when you've got money, buy 2 of everything. Chest piece for all classes Perks: ?-find more ammo for exotic weapons Double down- wear 2 other pieces of exotic armor without roll upgrades (strength, intellect, etc.) Looks like steel bracing attached to all other pieces of armor, as if trying to hold them in place

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    • The gunslingers fingers - faster reload for hand cannons ( instead of reloading by putting the clip thing in by hand, the clip is shot in from loaders on the wrist) - oh ya, and it lets you dual Wield hand cannons as the exotic perk.

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    • Edited by ihateyou7777: 3/11/2015 2:58:35 AM
      Name:speakers helm Hunter Desc: "And God spoke into the people, and there souls fled to God, so Moses spoke gods word, and they listened" - ancient religious work Roll: intellect Perk: orbs of light replenish health Exotic perks: Speakers word, killing an enemy with a grenade triples charge up speed for all attributes for a short period of time (including icebreaker ammo regen) Soul stealer: Major and ultra precision kills can drop up to 5 orbs. Looks like speakers mask (duh)

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    • The Copycat Stk (shoot to kill) Scout rifle Desc: Go copy the dead man Perks: third eye Exotic perk: Copycat Caliber When a player crit hits, they deal the damage and element of there enemies equipped gun for 3 seconds. Looks like it's made out of a reflective metal, or mirror like material, and has the word copy etched into the gun

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    • Edited by Lost_Garne: 3/10/2015 5:27:39 AM
      Name: The Burden Description: "This, you will carry for eternity." Type: Handcannon Attributes: Rate of Fire: Low Impact: High Range: Medium Stability: Medium Reload: Low Magazine: 12 Intial Perk: Last round: Final Bullet in the magazine deals bonus damage. Exotic Perk: Burden's Weight: Dealing damage to a target causes them to move slower. Precision hits with this weapon mark the target, if the target is killed while the mark is still active they explode causing all targets nearby to remain in place for a few seconds unable to take actions. Design: Icy theme. Gun looks like it's frozen and has a dark blue-ish contrast. And it emits a blue glow when fired. Also the explosion looks like a blizzard and freezes enemies. Note: The mark lasts 5 seconds and can only be placed on a single target at once. If another target is shot the mark will transfer to them. If a target has been recently marked they cannot be marked again except after a 2 second delay. The slow factor can be applied to as many targets as desired and lasts only 5 seconds. The blast radius of the mark's explosion is higher than firefly, however it does not deal damage. The impairment effect only lasts 3 seconds.

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      6 Replies
      • I have a post for faction exotics. Check it out

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      • Edited by breen: 3/11/2015 2:14:24 AM
        Name: The Invisible Wraith Weapon Type: Hand Cannon "Unseen, unheard... -muffled shot- until it's too late." Void Damage Initial Perks: choice of ballistics, luck in the chamber, single point sling, HCR, explosive rounds Exotic Perk: Unseen - weapon gains 33% increase to weapon damage if enemy is shot in the back of the player model - internal cool down of 25 seconds; also provides a small (but noticeable) silencing effect. I think that with the integration of LiTC and high caliber rounds makes it a possible one-shot if used with unseen, furthering the stealth theme of this weapon. My idea was to create a stealthy weapon, since this game is mostly run 'n gun. Aesthetics: Small, light looking handcannon, probably like the Red Hand, colored like darkened steel, with a black silencer and a counterweight.

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      • Cultural diffusion Desc: when those who rose have fallen and the fallen have risen then and only then will we lose all hope.. - anonymous warlock Weapon type: pulse rifle 1st perk- tracking, your burst have slow velocity but track their targets and deal bonus damage (unable to crit enemies) Exotic perk- fallen tech, shots deal arc damage and can randomly crit enemies. Velocity is increased. Aesthetics: looks like fallen weaponry with large blue tracking bursts much like that most vandals wield

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      • Edited by DovahQuinn: 3/10/2015 6:45:42 PM
        Shattered helm "This helm once belonged to a great man... That was, until the darkness touched his mind.." -Eris Morn Warlock helm 1st perk: mind of darkness: you can see In the dark Exotic perk: shattering corruption: minions of the darkness are highlighted and all your abilities have limited tracking, I.e. Grenades, nova bomb, etc. Aesthetics: a vanguard helm with a large crack across the glass with the bright green hive-esque color glowing from within

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        • Name: Image of Perfection Type: Exotic Hunter Helm Description: "Because I'm better than you, that's why." Design: A white hunter helmet with the front of a human skull on the front, as if the wearer is looking through the eyeholes of his "victim" Attributes: Discipline and Intellect Upgrades: More super energy from grenade kills, more ammo obtained from special weapon packs Exotic Upgrade: Image of Perfection, gives the wearer a faster move speed and resistance buff to all damage except super. This ^

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        • Edited by Ituakii: 3/10/2015 4:37:18 AM
          Final ELTW [spoiler]ELTW stands for enemy left to win [/spoiler] Looks like an auto rifle with the red dot OAS scope, and has a unique sound like a silenced pistol :) Weapon type: Scout Rifle Element: Arc Description: Take it down Perk: Firefly, and different types of rounds Unique perk: Final Kill; Fires in Full Auto mode.Dealing damage increases super regeneration.

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          • Old Friend Auto rifle I have given you a rifle from before the golden age take care of it - gunsmith Looks like a brand new khvostov with a few red lines down the barrel Rate of fire:65 Impact: 45 Range:50 Stability:45 Reload:35 Mag size:45 Crowd control Pre golden age: this weapon deals more damage to major enemies. Tell me what you guys think! And give thoughts on the 1st and 2nd tree perks

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            • If anyone played Halo, they would know this: I yhink a fusion rifle similar to the Spartan Lazer would be beast.

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              • Hey for your bladedancer exotic I would make it boots and the first perk would be maybe more special ammo. (For shotguns of course) For the exotic perk it should give the user a longer slide ( could stack with that one blade dancer perk) and while sliding the user is invisible but when they get up they lose their invisibility. This would give a more aggressive use for invisibility.

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              • Jupiter's Storm Auto Rifle Solar "A storm is brewing. Your enemies will not be expecting it." Hip fire and crowd control Gas of Jupiter: Has a chance to cause lingering burning damage to enemies

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              • Edited by Sohelanthropus: 3/11/2015 12:59:54 AM
                No Mercy Scout Rifle Void Damage Slow firing rate,high impact(like Gheleon's Demise)nearly all stability Has 1 Additional perk like Bad Juju(Full Auto),but this one its Zen moment 1st Perk:Luck in the Chamber Exotic Perk:Merciless....The first and last 2 rounds deals a 100% more damage,Also it has a chance of a 30% that enemies explode,dealing Void damage Description:"I have no mercy.....My ruler neither" The sound when you shoot it,needs to make people know that SOMEONE has that they start to panic. SOUND:Like a Sniper rifle,a little bit less louder,with Eco at last IN MY HEAD:Tuuum...uuuuuoogmgmmmm. LOL

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