originally posted in:Xbox One
[quote]Greetings, all! After hearing the Bungie community manager on IGN's Podcast Unlocked yesterday, I decided to join the Bungie.net community in order to find a group of mature gamers to play alongside in Destiny, as well as other Xbox One titles. My gamertag is WhiskyCokeNoIce. I'm looking forward to hearing from some fellow cooperative, mature gamers looking for a fun and positive experience across the platform.
See you online![/quote]
Don't have really any friends that play destiny with anymore looking to have a few friends for weekly/nightfall/raids. Gamer tag the same.
Add me gt brecluse454 I'm on 6pm to 11pm central time I'm a lvl 32 warlock Lvl 32 hunter Lvl 31 titan
Forgot to add: 29 hunter. Still working on Warlock and titan. I'm 27 and casually game after work (usually on between 6-midnight CST) and on the weekend.