Arc Damage
Name: [b][i]Skullshocker[/i][/b]
Description: [i]They ignore the light. Make them reconsider.[/i]
Super: [b][i][u]Arc Coil[/u][/i][/b]
Description: [i]Fill yourself with arc light, gaining an arc shield that absorbs damage. Press (R2/RT) to send a bolt of lightning that chains through enemies. [/i]
(Note: for the duration of the super you would be in third person)
Upgrade 1: [i]Embrace the Light[/i]
You get increased health regeneration for every enemy killed with Arc Coil.
Upgrade 2: [i]Arc Empowerment[/i]
Kills with Arc Coil increase its duration.
Upgrade 3 [i]Explosion of Light[/i]
Upon activating Arc Coil, anything within melee range will take damage.
Jump: [i]Glide[/i]
Description: Same as other two classes.
Upgrade 1: [i]Arc Lift[/i]
Increases height and speed
Upgrade 2: [i]Controlled Lift[/i]
Increases stability
Upgrade 3: [i]Light Slam[/i]
Deactivating Glide while in midair makes you slam down to the ground, dealing small damage in a circle.
[i]Chain Grenade[/i]
Sticky Arcbolt grenade.
[i]Light Grenade[/i]
Throw a grenade that sticks to allies and heals them.
[i]Flash Grenade[/i]
Melee: [i]Light Strike[/i]
Description: Hold (R1/RB) to charge a light beam at your foe. (Minimal Damage and Range)
Upgrade 1: [i]Feed the Light[/i]
Killing an enemy with Light Strike gives you bonus weapon damage for a short time.
Upgrade 2: [i]True Strike[/i]
Increases Range of Light Strike
Upgrade 3: [i]Light Beyond Death[/i]
Killing an enemy with Light Strike will spawn a Chain Grenade where the enemy died.
1st and 2nd TierUpgrades:
Tier 1
[i]Arc Recompense[/i]
Activating Arc Coil while dead will create a massive explosion where you died, instantly disintegrating any enemy it hits. (Besides bosses [Yellow health bars 1/2 damage])
[i]Gift of the Light[/i]
Killing a Major or Ultra with Light Strike will spawn 2 orbs.
[i]Light Burst[/i]
Aiming Light Strike at the ground will send you a little higher. Can be activated while in midair.
Tier 2
[i]Light Speed[/i]
Increased Agility while Arc Coil is active
Enemies affected by grenades, Light Strike, or Arc Coil will burn with Arc Fire.
Pressing (L1/LB) While Arc Coil is active will create a flash of light from inside you blinding your enemies.
Seems overpowered, maybe It should be changed. Working on hunter and Titan.
Thanks, and if you want, add me on Ps4 same name.
Light Slam sounds like something that would belong on the special perks at the far right.
yea but its just an idea...think about it...bungie probably already has this figured out so it doesn't even matter...though it would be cool if the community had an input