originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
blenderberry - 31 warlock
Psn : kilumenati L31 Warlock keen to do some raiding. Sadly no experience raiding yet but I'm a very fast learner. Solo'd my last step for thorn and have experience with nightfalls.
Pattymac257, only played for two weeks lvl 31 warlock, lvling up hunter and Titan atm. Have only completed the VoG raid but would like to learn CE. Feel free to add.
for the record, opening the group wall would make it easier on the entire group! :)
Asgrad69 Just started the game but always ready to kill :D
dark_grimla I am currently levelling up my character, fairly new, would love to start raiding when at a good level, hello all
Lvl 28 Hunter N9ninesof9
31 hunter looking to get raids done. I have raid experience. I can also help people get raid gear from Crota by soloing the beginning.. Add me
GRIFF-0530 lvl 29warlock
PSN: monzta_beatz I have a 31 warlock and 31 hunter and a newly made character. Very experienced raider..
Dreamchaser210 is my psn level 30 hunter, will help with any raid just add me c:
31 warlock loads of vog experience minimal crota add flartyyy on psn 4
Psn: Calebhawk25 Warlock 30 on crota normal just need to kill crota and on hard on the bridge need friends to help me out. Come on guardians help me out!!
Psn rowedogg07
My PSN is ryyoung14 lvl 30 Titan
Adult gamer with mic. Level 31 warlock. Daily player. Add me to your friends list. Just mention destiny in friend request. Raistlin555.
Jmattless level 30 warlock
I'm only level 10 warlock right now. Just got into the game recently. Add if you'd like!
KyleStaysRadical is my psn