originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
KyleStaysRadical is my psn
PSN siksane lvl 30 hunter
Edited by AestroDroid_: 2/25/2015 8:16:22 PMPsn= AestroDroid. I'm a lvl 26 hunter looking for people to do raids, weekly's and or strikes with. Want to do my first VOG run. Looking for some people to help me out :)
PSN - gohead812 Experience with Crota and Vault Decent with Relic and getting better with sword. Hope to find good Raiders and New Raiders.
PSN = Same as my name (xentex382). Before any of u ask the name sounds like "zentex". Experienced with majority of game but still have yet to find a group to do VoG or Crota's end. Level 28 warlock, 27 hunter both subclasses. Generally play evenings (est zone) and up for anything.
Psn is same as my name. I'm a lvl 25 titan looking for team members for dark below and vault of glass and for the fun of playing...thank you
Psn=same as my name on here. Im a Level 26 Hunter (can play as both subclasses) and im looking for people who can help me with the weekly and my first run though of Vault of Glass.
Edited by ScrappyCoco0125: 2/25/2015 3:02:54 PMPSN : ScrappyCoco0125 I'm a 23 Warlock Voidwalker, semi new to the game. May not know everything, but I'm a world class shooter!
PSN Marine-1371- I have a 32 Titan, 31 Hunter, 31 war lock.
Edited by Father_Bread: 2/25/2015 5:35:42 AMPSN: supreme_dalek23 lvl 28 hunter with both classes maxed and a lvl 29 warlock with only one class maxed, wanting to do lvl 30 raids :D
Psn:Xx_BlackMomba45 me and my boys are trying to do some VoG if anyone is interested just add me
Psn: calebhawk25 I am a 30 warlock can play both subclasses I really need raid gear and raid weapons. Need help with crota and VoG.
Wait is this for if your new to the Flood or new to Destiny?
I have a level 29 hunter can use either subclass and I am looking for raid groups and people to help with weekly event (PSN- DarkOblivion600)
Edited by JustinBui: 2/24/2015 1:52:41 PMI am lv30 warlock can play both subclass i am a nice guy need help and I can help other people add me ( PSN : JustinBui)
PSN decimelt 27 warlock Invite me anytime for a raid/weekly/daily
Need a team for VOG
Hi my psn name is thatasianguy12. I have 3 characters: 31 Warlock, 31 Hunter, and 31 Titan. Looking to find some people who can help me run VOG hard and Crotas End on hard or normal. Don't play the raids to often so I don't know all the tricks yet.
Level 28 Hunter PSN ELITE_KILLAZ98 Feel free to add me for raids and strikes!
Lvl 30 Titan, pan : bazingajoe123
Psn: tomthelabrat Lv 27 hunter
Hi :) ps name is mightyfulminion. Level 27. Been playing a week and looking for some help progressing. Thanks x
Psn-superdan2209 Level 26 Titan need help learning raids feel free to add
Add kkopp746 Daily missions Weekly nightfall and heroic VoG & Crota Raid Preferably on hard but normal is fine too.
Jellumt add me if ur looking to raid