originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
[quote]First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan![/quote]penis
Edited by LIKE_A_SIR_XX: 2/20/2015 3:41:29 PMPSN-->> LIKE_A_SIR_3456 ^^ ADD Level 27 Titan All my friends that play online right now don't play destiny and that makes it very hard to find a fire team!! Please add ^^
Level 31 Titan Level 31 Hunter Good for Crotas end normal or hard Good for Weekly/Nightfall Will help here n there with Templar or Atheon CP's on hard mode PSN: OnPoint556 Give me an add and lets get to killing Crota
my psn is SUPRAS123 I have a lvl28 Titan and a lvl7 Warlock im new to the game so any advice is helpful. Add me.
Hey guys join my new group, infantrymen. We are all about helping guys out, people who need help starting off, like cuckooknightHD. We also do anything from story missions to crota on hard. Together we can help each other out, all you guys need to do is join up and spread the word. PS4
Edited by Celestial_Blade: 2/20/2015 1:41:29 AMSilverStoneBrook lv 25 warlock need a vog team!!!!
xxKINGJAKEYxx 29 Titan add me new here keen to raid! (New to raids keep in mind! need a Mentor lol)
Need a team for VOG I'm level 29 warlock
Edited by leonlionheart210: 2/19/2015 4:32:58 PMPSN: Leonlionheart210 Hunter 32 Warlock 31 Titan still in training
Psn FlAmInGoLdBOSS 27 hunter
Psn Chief-blivion lvl 30 hunter
Psn: ELITE_PINDEZ LEVEL 26 titan and i have done VoG one before
dp_guy_101 31 Hunter 29 warlock
31 titan and Hunter, looking to do raids, night fall etc Add katoshboyz9148
Add me anything , lev 24 PS4 = bug34301
Level 31 Titan and hunter. Titan mainly. Psn is xchevy68x. Always looking for others to do raids and nightfalls or anything. Hmu
Lvl 29 Hunter Never completed a raid but I'm soooo so down to help anyone! PSN=Username
Psn: juan_m_513 Lvl 30 hunter
Level 28 Titan and never done VOG help would be much appreciated
I'm a level 31 Titan psn: Nipman72.
Hey guys, I am a level 29 titan. I have not done the VOG once. I would appreciate 29 and above to help me out.
Level 32 Titan
Jk add me TRE_00 lvl30 Titan lvl28 hunter lvl13 warlock
PSN - Fallensk7 Titan 29 Warlock 26 Hunter 24 Need help with Raids, weekly and daily
Psn ID: schoolson 31 hunter 31 Titan 30 warlock
Psn CollosalTitan94 Level 31 hunter Level 26 warlock