originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
My psn is babypunter432
Hello I-Am-JoshuaB here, I'm a level 26 warlock and I have the expansion
My PSN is Dylerious-
Howdy, Steveo340 here. Thanks for the invite Hazard.
Psn: Hazard_Bomber_45
Soscpd level 27 Titan looking forward to raids. (I do not have crota end)
PSN ID Geor354gi85, lvl 29 warlock, would like to raid!
My psn is stevoizbeastn 2 lvl 32 hunters and a lvl 31 warlock
My psn murtre420 I need ce normal can someone please help me
PSN: jFrax_
Need help with nightfall n weekly
Add me kmoneybagz809 level 20 -hunter got a lot of experience in cod mw and many more
Psn is Bl00dxR0sEs, usually on most of the time day and/or night. Thanks for the add Hazard.
DeMoNiiK_Scope, thanks for the invite as well Hazard