Hey there!
names Jediswife13
me and my husband have a clan named Band of true guardians.
Our main goal is to have outgoing and very nice people to join.
We are clan that have very family oriented beliefs.
we take care of one another and help each other through anything.
We do crucibles, raids, and everything else.
If you're looking to join a clan with amazing and nice members please check us out. You can send me or any other admin a message through here or xbox live. we would have to talk to you to get to know you before we actually add you, though.
WE WILL TAKE ANY LEVEL AND HELP LEVEL UP. also, we are okay with squeakers as long as your mature and not annoying haha.
I'm 18 years old, work 10 hours monday - thursday so im usually online after 6 p.m. est those days and friday saturday and sunday all day. really looking for a good clan and this one seems good :D i hope you'll consider me