U sure bout that bud? That thing roasts people's organs with radiation from the inside out
Hmm prove it shoot the next person to come by the dojo
How bout I test it on you? *grins maniacally*
*freezes all but your head You should die from hypothermia in a few minutes
Heh lol *body gets engulfed in fire* you sir don't know who you're dealing with
*rips hole in space time continuum kills your parents We're done here
Lol I don't have parents I'm a demon *eyes turn black as the flames around my body grow*
*freezes time and slices into microscopic pieces
*body fades away * I'm over here man geez cmon you gotta try harder to kill a demon
*preforms exorcism Just go away
*walks away somberly* ok..
*picks up raygun* I'll just add this to the stockpile...