The Jester
"The world is the end of my joke."
Hand Cannon
Red drill-shaped barrel, white grip with black wrap
"We Will Laugh" - Upon full reload, this weapon will obtain a random special perk from the other Exotic Hand Cannons
It has a 9 round magazine. Let's say you reload and boom, get 3 bonus damaging bullets. Upon full reload, bam, rounds pierce targets and cause DoT. Another reload, kabang, this weapon is full auto and has increased hip fire precision damage.
Hey mind if I use your exotic in a new post? I'm doing another Exotic Maker with some new ideas and I wanted to include some of the community's ideas.
Go ahead man.
That would be triply as hell. It would really add the feel of a trickster. It reminds of a jack n the box. The perk really fits it's name. Would there be a way for the jester to know what type it turns into? I love this idea.
The perk decision is on a list-type maneuver. If you've already used the Hawkmoon perk, you can't get it again until you have had the Thorn and LW perks.
does it force you to change upon death?