If you could make a third super for your guardian what would it be?
[b]Solar Titan[/b] Subclass - Berserker [i]The passion and fury of a thousand suns.[/i] Super - Immolation The Titan is set ablaze, offering damage resistance and boosted movement speed for the duration. Enemies that get too close suffer damage over time. Can be augmented to instantly reset melee cooldown throughout its duration, to cause all Solar damage sources to gain an Ignite effect, or to repel incoming rockets and projectiles. [b]Arc Warlock[/b] Subclass - Stormcaller [i]Power. Unlimited power.[/i] Super - Chain Lightning The Warlock looses a violent bolt of lightning from its hands, which can then jump to nearby targets. The sudden, dazzling flash blinds enemies, even if they aren't struck. Can be augmented to jump further/to more targets, cause an explosion on each hit, or have two bolts per charge. [b]Void Hunter[/b] Subclass - Deathstalker [i]To subdue the Darkness requires an understanding of it.[/i] Super - Gravity Well The Hunter creates a chasm of Void Light at a designated area. Enemies who touch it are slowed down (movement, aiming, and reloading), cannot jump or activate abilities, and suffer damage over time. Can be augmented to also reduce affected targets' armor, damage output, or deal more damage.