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Edited by Rocket Penguin: 2/27/2015 9:40:52 AM

Question on "Gamer girls"

Why do people get annoyed when girls post on forums looking for other females to play with? I mean how else are they going to find them? Even if half of the time it is a troll, we must stop the abuse in the comments, because gaming is not just for guys I should know. Thanks for reading, comment with your opinion if you want. (I only say "gamer girls" because Its relevant to the post.)

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  • Im a guy and when i play with girls they are more respectful and mature than some guys i play with ....

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    4 Replies
    • Men want to impress everyone, and girls in gaming are highly competitive because they have to be to take all the crap from players who look down on them. They seek each other because they understand how the other thinks and can play in a relaxed environment. We all play to escape our lives and do something fun to pass time, or we play to have power in a world that isn't real and want to be better than anyone else. Mainly I see a need for acceptance, not wanting to be called noob. Belief that in dragging someone down we build ourselves up. Maybe these words mean nothing, but we are sharing opinions about why things like this happen.

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    • My highest skilled friend is a Girl, she made all my friends look like scrubs in Raids and I really wish I had more girls in my roster, they're a lot nicer than the guys I play with. My GT is the one above

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    • Why must you people incessantly bring up sex? What could it possibly matter, at all, that the majority of female gamers were disappointed by this game, and returned to a real MMO?

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    • Hell most guys who post are looking for other guys and "gamer girls" don't complain about it. They deserve their same-gender friend circles too

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    • Edited by AlohaSnaccbarr: 2/23/2015 4:15:01 PM
      I really don't like the unwanted hate that gamer girls get have I have a few friends that are legit and they get discriminated so often it's really sick

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    • I prefer not playing with other females, but then again that could be because I'm an alpha bitch. Lol

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      7 Replies
      • I think girls who game are fine e but its extremely annoying how they avoid playing with guys because they think they're gonna get harassed or hit on. Idk why anyone would hit on someone they can't even see

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        21 Replies
        • As a girl gamer, it just makes me try harder when people give me stick. And yeh, a lot of stick is recieved but usually retracted once i show off a bit ;)

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          11 Replies
          • But girl gamers kill me with crap weapons and I'm using Suros vex or thorn and 1 shot snipes and I'm a dude and I'm better to be killed by a woman is disgraceful to my kind and I must chop off my balls to prove I'm worthy! Girl gamers don't exist if they can kill me cause #guymasterrace #trollololol #satire #whocaressboutgenders #gamers4lyfe #consolemasterrace #pcwheresyourdestinycopyat #younadbro?

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          • My issue is only when girls post about being girls knowing an army of horny nerds will sacrifice life and limb for their validation.

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            2 Replies
            • Giggiti giggiti all right

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            • Bc people are jack*sses and don't know how to win a girl over. Much less talk to a girl. So they get jealous and start being little trolls

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              4 Replies
              • I get you, its okay to want to play with girls, if your a girl, there is probably a 20-1 ratio of guys to girls in the destiny community so there is nothing wrong with wanting to play with tour own species of human. Most of the trolls are either immature, lonely, has hit their mom, or has yet to stroke one out for the day.

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                1 Reply
                • These people are just stupid. Hell if it was their GF who played it would be waay different wouldn't it? That's assuming the managed to talk to one without peeing in their pants.

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                  1 Reply
                  • My 14 year old daughter is my best team mate literally. If my friends are not amazed at how she plays they're jealous at how well she plays.

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                  • Hit me up ladies @ immabroski

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                  • Hey everyone come follow me on Twitch I'll be streaming lots of games. Also giveaways are coming soon.....

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                  • It's appears that some guys are in awe that a young women may be playing a game where they just assumed all males played. In a weird way, those guys get virtual boners for the girls (whom they don't know) and want to be in a group with them 24/7. ^That's for the answer on the creepy dude. Other than that, I'm sure myself and other males playing destiny right now are completely fine with girls and enjoy laughs when doing PVP , or PVE.

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                  • I notice that a lot of "Girl Gamer" posts consist of comments just trashing dudes. I mean, we're not all awful. It's one thing to try and find girl gamers, and go for it, but it's not cool to just bash guys. Likewise for guys who bash girls.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Edited by eonzzy: 2/22/2015 2:47:33 AM
                      Im a female and i honestly could care less if you treat me wrong, I may not be the "best" out there but most of my friends say im fun to be around. If you want to be my friend, go ahead and add me. Gt ^a^b^o^v^e^ (Xbox one)

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                      15 Replies
                      • I always am around the top of my leaderboard when i play iron banner (well, unless im like 5 drinks in, lol) i have a grimoire of over 2600 and all my characters are lvl 32. Im the swoardbearer against crota when i run my hunter, the leader of my own clan and i regularly help run people through raids if they need it. I love helping people. I regularly meet new friends and enjoy most i come across. What i dont appreciate is when some guy i just met joins my fire team and starts patronizing me and asking if i need to hide in the center room above the door while everyone else "takes care of crota." Really? The other day my clan and i are in the middle of iron banner and i ask everyone to ignore zone "A" on overwatch and hold C and B. (Because, duh!, lol) and this guy who joined in has the nerve to say, "so, are we letting a woman call the shots here?" I told him to run to the garage where he belongs and build me my ikea furniture. Lol. I normally wouldnt say that but come on guys, really? I am really nice until i feel attacked for no reason. We are all GAMERS. not gamer "grrls" or guys. Why can't some people just treat others with the same respect they would appreciate? I know these forums (from horrible personal experience) aren't the best place to find emotionally stable and mature individuals. I have even lashed back out at people when i know i shouldnt stoop to their level. But really, i feel as though some people just need a swift kick in the rear. Being classy is so much more attractive. Can't we all just get along?

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                        14 Replies
                        • Honestly I don't mind playing games with girls I have met very few on here but I don't mind playing or hearing different strategies from anyone. It's funny how some guys totally lose their shit when they find out its a girl they r playing with. They start acting like a bunch of kids hitting puberty. I will call u out if u suck regardless if ur a guy or girl lol just random thoughts on the topic I have all characters at level 32 don't mind helping anyone on ps4 send me a msg or comment back

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                          1 Reply
                          • Edited by LisbonLion91: 2/21/2015 8:00:03 AM
                            I wish i came across more chick gamers! Its badass! Out of 1,200 hrs of grinding, raiding, and doing strikes, I think I've only been in 3 fireteams with a female member.

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                            1 Reply
                            • I honestly don't mind playing with girls. I mean they are gamers after and I feel like they should be respected just like any other gamer. I do understand why some of them might want to play with just girls because honestly there are just some dudes that are real creeps and very annoying. Guy or girl feel free to hit me up on Xbox one or 360 I am always willing to help with anything. GT is GoojiBear.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Wow I didn't think my post would get this many comments, thanks for sharing your opinions. If there are any girls who play ps4 feel free to add my screen name and thanks again. : )

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