Stop the hate! Have some faith! Change allways comes. If we want this game to be the best that it can be. We need to make all these small children that cries and whines about anything to STOP!!! They whine all the time and developers listens to whine.... Sadly... Guardians speak up and dont let them destroy our game. Dont make it easy to be a Guardian. Bungie i know u want all players to try out raids and stuff and this is why u make it easy to give newbies a chance at the beasts. Please dont, you will loose the elite players and it will become a childrens game like World of warcraft is in my opinion. Make a nightmare mode after hard perhaps? Exotic sparrow reward or ship/shader + regular loot table from hard mode. This shouls be very hard to complete flawless playing and hard group work. Clans needs to stepp up and together try the "impossible"
Keep it to the topic!! No whine! Real feedback and real ideas!
So another week has past and i have not heard anything about any change? Sadly :(