Mercury can't be in the game because it's the hottest planet in the solar system. It basically touches the Sun's CMEs and we would all be dead immediately due to radiation and heat. Why do people want to go to a molten rock and fight the vex? These things blow my mind.
Why do people keep saying VENUS is hotter than Mercury? You guys need to learn the order of the planets.
Terraforming and spacemagic are in the game and no one bats an eye. Mercury too hot and everybody looses his minds ;)
1. Mercury is a crucible map. So it is already in the game. 2. The lore of the game says that we changed and expanded to tons of planets during the golden age. Mars, Venus, and Mercury all would require terraforming for us to not die on immediately. With Venus being just as crazy to live on as mercury. 3. both Mercury and Venus have daytime temperatures around 800 degrees Fahrenheit (400 Celsius) during the day. Venus is actually hotter than mercuy because of it's thick atmosphere(800 for Mercury 864 for Venus). So with the right atmosphere manipulation both would be equally habitable. 4. Destiny ignores science. There are soo many things it doesn't show you about the various planets that it's crazy. For example gravity is about the same on all the planets. In reality mars and the moon have much lower gravity than earth. If destiny was realistic you would be able to jump 3 times as high on that planet and moon.
Traveller terra formed the planets.
It IS dumbass
Venus is hotter due to its thick atmosphere. I hope you were just trolling.
Then why is there a multiplayer Mercury map.
Edited by Lithe: 2/3/2015 11:41:02 PMVenus is hotter than Mercury retard, you learn it in literally 2nd grade. EDIT: He is either really retarded or it's satire; his name.
You!!!! Your name!!
Well Venus does have huge clouds of sulfuric acid. What is our armor made out of anyway?
So mars and venus are perfectly inhabitable? Your astrology knowledge amazes me
Lol all you people arguing haven't looked at this guy's name.
I'll take the b8 m8. Venus is hotter than mercury. At least with mercury you see Freddie perform. All you get from Venus is a bunch of pissed off feminists.
- Temp: 300K (Kelvin) Temp: 700K (Kelvin) Dafuq you on, son?
Well technically the game says that Mercury became the garden of the solar system. So :P
no its not in the game because its a liquid a room temperature
You know what I don't get? That you can still see stars in the background while playing on the burning shrine. I'm mean the sun is only RIGHT THERE, with, like, a LOT of glare.
What about the crucible map?
Edited by zikee: 2/3/2015 11:11:40 PM
In the beginning cutscene when you make a new character it said that mercury became a garden world because of the traveller.
Mercury IS in the game.
There is a crucible map that takes place on Mercury, where we do not instantly die because it is hot. /yourpostisinvalid
Our characters are able to breathe and not float away on the moon, can fire weapons in oxygen depleted environment, travel through time, conjure up giant balls of destructive space magic, bring themselves back from the dead, and Mercury being playable is where you draw your line? Seriously bro it's a video game.
Perhaps the traveler created a magnetic field that was suitable enough to protect the atmosphere from being embraced by lethal solar winds... or perhaps the composition of the atmosphere allows the planet to deflect the sun rays just enough.
But there's a crucible map on Mercury and we don't instantly die one that do we
Space magic