"This is as much teamwork as having the Fireteam leader disconnect during the Crota fight, or having a sunsinger resurrect after thralls despawn. Exploitation of mechanics is not teamwork."
Its not exploitation, it IS the game mechanics. I seriously hope they dont change this.
Two warlocks firing off Novas would probably wipe the bubbles, and if you have 4 other mates ready to pire specials as well then this is fair teamwork.
Knockback and AI avoidance from AOE grenades is a mechanic that was exploited alongside arena layout to push Atheon and the Templar off of their respective maps. It's both a mechanic and an exploit. I guess I confused you with citing Crota cheese, I hoped it would resonate more because if the recency, but apparently it wasn't a direct enough parallel to draw.
Well because that IS an exploit. Using your teamates orbs to refill supers is teamwork and is perfectly valid. Perhaps they didnt intend for this method, but I think its awesome and would like to see super battles :)
And once any of the titans die, all the bubble disappear and they are starting over on the super meter again
Once any of the titans die, they will already have another full super meter and start the "teamwork" again whenever they spawn. Best way around this? Make supers recharge just a little faster, and disable orb drops in PvP entirely.
If we disable orb drops in PvP then where is the teamwork?!? Just make them disappear on death.