I would love to be fighting against a team doing this to try and counter it or just see 2 top teams going at it like this trying to set it up
Edited by Dredgen Lore: 2/6/2015 11:55:04 PMI'd love to be right there with you bro, the only way we can convince bungie to give us more game modes, more options, and private matches is to show them that the game is balanced when two teams can go at each other at a high level like this
We don't need to show then anything. I'm willing to bet pvt matches and a gametype or 2 could be added with the flick of switch. Bungie is just playing some bullshxt game and because Activision is in charge and mlg has deals with them for cod odds are part of the no pvt matches it tied to not wanting to pull players to a game when Activision can control it.
I guess I can see that, but destiny is still a new franchise, bungie isn't even satisfied with their gun stats yet, most likely there are plans to include new options for PVP but they want to see the franchise develop first. And if we can show activision that MP can be competitive and well received they'll leave COD in a heart beat, I think that's why they snapped up destiny in the first place. COD is on it's last legs.
Cod is shxt
I'm with you again bro and I think destiny has so much potential