This is why everyone thinks its unbeatable. You don't want to kill the titans. You want to kill the attackers. After they super, but before they make orbs. If you do this twice, then take down the titans, its a while before they're back in businesses. The video makes it look simple because its executed well, and the opposing team did nothing about it. If the attackers die without making more orbs for the titans, their fun is over.
Perhaps you missed this one, go to 4:35. That's why it's pretty unbeatable, see for yourself.
There's still numberous ways. What I would do in this instance: Have the entire team group up & simply wait 40-70 seconds before going over there. As this guy watches his gunslinger run out twice without anyone to shoot. Then a couple go where he can see you, buy only long enough for him to pop it again. Within 2 mins he either runs out of orbs, or gets impatient and leaves bubble safety. I feel like you never even tried to think of a counter before declaring there isn't one.
Did you watch the video? Did you listen to the team speak? The strategy isn't something that was accidented together, so to come up with a counter that relies on team stupidity is [b]not[/b] an effective counter. A solid counter anticipates them playing toward the strat, that means the defenders will spam the WoD and the gunslingers will be in the bubbles to gain their golden gun and pop out to get kills and defend. A counter to the strat would have to get past 2 golden guns and smash 4 bubbles and control the ground where the orbs are instanced which after dropping a fist of havoc could be anywhere. If I'm playing it up too much, it's a much bigger bill than you are making it for sure. It's not a simple matter of pop the bubbles, case closed. If you have chosen to ignore the fact I found an alternate video on another map with a different perspective showing orbiting (if a little impatient) gunslingers and an instance when all the bubbles go down and come right back up, I don't think it's worth debating this further.
I admit I didn't listen to audio there. But it still boils down to that no team running this will have the patience to wait it out w/ a tiny lead if all six of the opposing immediately sit back with snipers upon recognizing the strat. If you're not playing into their thought processes, you're leaving out a huge piece of your own game plan. Even if they say they do, and tell each other not to go. Test them.
So let me get this straight. This has evolved from 1 gunslinger and 1 striker, to 1 striker and 2 gunslingers, to now a full team that is coordinated together. Also, I know sniping is good and all, but your counter sounds to me like "out wait them" and now you're getting into mindgames/metagame territory. And if their resolve breaks first, you have a gunslinger lose on the field with 3 OHK's and high mobility, whereas if someone on your team goes for it he's almost guaranteed to be dead. It's a match against Goliath and not every team has a David.
Lol I maintain that 2 gunslingers and a titan can do it. We're simply in disagreement, so I presented other options. But you're also devaluing that sniping is the absolute best way to take out a gunslinger. And also forgetting that regardless of their orbs being left behind if you manage to kill them with Nova of foh, you just made enough orbs to share supers again. The same thing making their strat strong, plays into the counter.