Yeah I was able to get on the computer and read the description. They couldn't counter even if they tried.
Everyone on that team had blessing/weapons active 90% of the match. Weapons allows snipers to be OHK's anywhere to the body for the most part and blessing lets them soak up more damage. If any enemy made it inside the bubbles they also had to deal with armor of light on top of the other 2 effects.
A golden gun could destroy or shoot through one of the bubbles. But there are more then one bubble and i'm not so sure one golden gun shot could take someone down with both armor and blessing in a single shot. Which is all they would get since they also had gunslingers with a super up patrolling the outside.
A blade dancer would not work because (and I know from experience) it takes 3 hits to kill a titan with armor of light. With blessing It would be 4. one blade dancer would get eaten in there before it could land enough hits for one person.
I'm unaware of how well FoH would do. Nova bomb can't blast through that many shields and he wouldn't get close enough to nuke inside anyway.
The only possible way I can see another team breaking this setup is if the enemy team also had supers and used them to pincer attack and push at the same time. But even if they manage to break the spot being held by the time the enemy team had enough supers from time alone those guys would have more then enough orbs on the ground to just re setup again. The opposite team would not have time.
It's possible to win. But only if they either keep the team from starting to begin with or if they break the grip and keep it broken by being better in general combat. And considering how good these guys are normally I don't see that happening too often.
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