Real competitive pvpers would enjoy the challenge of playing the game like it was intended to be played, not abuse a system just so you can walk all over your opponents with as little skill as possible.
Is it a pretty cool thing to see? Sure. It's pretty badass. Is it broken as all hell? Of course it is, and thinking this is how "the pros" play makes you no better than your average noob tuber.
What's the point of this game having guns if we're just supposed to spam supers all day? What happens to the challenge of raids when you just have 5 titans and a Warlock/Hunter to abuse orb feeding? Do they just remove any kind of shooting/damage challenge and add in as many "Split up and use teamwork that requires a lot of communication" obstacles as possible?
Not to mention there is very little teamwork here. You could should SPAM BUBBLES and turn your mic off and your friends would all understand. All this requires is having 5 friends with Titan characters willing to sit around doing nothing for you.
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