I've read several things on this not being commented on yet from over 7 months ago, but I can't find anything new on it. Before somebody posts "No, it's not possible", let me remind you that other games such as Diablo 3 offered this feature. I couldn't log in to finish my raid on Sunday from PS3 because PSN was down. I proceeded to get up and grab my keys and went to Wally World for a new Xbox One. I couldn't even log into the website via PSN because I am assuming it's down right now, AGAIN.
I have hundreds of hours in Destiny and an unbelievable amount of progress in-game, as I am currently home bound for medical reasons and Destiny is my pass-time. I would like to know if I could transfer my account data from PS3 to my new Xbox One?
Thanks for you time.
Sorry but you cannot transfer your data from ps3 to Xbox one. You can only transfer data if it's within the same console family. Ps3 <--> PS4 360 <--> One