Dawn produces like 3 orbs dude when not shot
Edit: and on top of that how is a shield supposed to get kills? No one goes inside the ward unless they're stupid. Come on dude don't let your jealousy cloud your logic
lol i main a titan, and if you use one you would know there are plenty of dumbs who step into it and get smashed. look around on youtube, there are plenty of videos where people drop a bubble and get fed anywhere from 3 to 5 kills even more. it does not need to produce orbs when the titan or people inside it can easily get orbs from killing things inside/local vicinity , or from orbs being dropped when it takes damage. the problem is the fact it does drop orbs when initially used, not as a reward for using it effectively. heck i would even appreciate it more if the ward of dawn dropped orbs if it gets destroyed by another super. all these things lead up to the main reason the ward of dawn should be used, protection, defense, control, saving lives, choke point, and buffs. 3 to 4 titans in a team should not result in defender heavy squad resulting in permanent supers when sunsinger radiance provides the very same benefit without using orbs.
They should get orb generation like sunsingers do. Kills while super is active with abilitys generates orbs. Perhaps titans could get orbs from kills while shield is active (armor/weapons/blessing of light), that way they would be tethered to the shield to produce orbs.