originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
Hello guys just wanted to introduce myself. Real name is Will. I joined this clan because it seemed everyone had something in common, trying to play Destiny while balancing a family(kids and wife). Becoming a father has been the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. To find other like minded people to game with is cool. Hes only 5 months so i'm still learning. I cannot begin to tell you how hard its been to find a stable group to run Raids. Usually its just me and 2 other fathers trying to get something going but it seems to fall through most of the time. All I can say is that I am very laid back, dependable and reasonable. We all want to have fun and relieve stress because we all know how life can be sometimes so to be able to immerse ourselves in a game means a lot. I'm usually online in the evenings EST. So feel free to hit me up for Raids/strikes. I have 2 level 32 warlocks and 1 hunter. I've beat crota/vog a number of times on hard and normal. Look forward to hearing from you guys.
Welcome to the clan. I'm PST, but on most evenings and weekends. GT is same as name here and always willing to jump in. Lvl 32 Titan.
Any one feel like raiding now? Reg crota ?
Killah - please hit join on the top left and set as clan
Nice to have you. I am trying to get a Thrusday night group together for raids. I just joined and am still learning the raids but would like to have you it looks like we will start around 9 PM.