The bubble is also the only super that doesn't generate orbs when we kill some one with it-because we can't. If it's hit by heavy ammo, it'll generate 3 more with gift of the void, but most likely only 2. The bubble is only a wall you can walk through and leave with some benefits. Not a golden gun that instantly kills people (Up to four, depending what armor is equipped), a giant electric knife that can kill up to seven people (this is possible), a giant ball of void energy that instantly kills anything unlucky enough to be caught in its radius (including bubbles, just like golden gun), or I could run a class that gives me hulk smash and the perks of juggernaut or shoulder charge.
[spoiler]Speaking of shoulder charge and juggernaut, there should be a piece of Titan gear like the helm of inmost light that gives you one of those perks and the option to equip the other. Titans would be able to collect so many tears.[/spoiler]
exactly, it does not drop orbs, but it very well should when the titan gets kills in it or around it. rewarded for defense measures. the whole reason it drops orbs when initially used was not well thought out and does not promote the proper use of a titans defender super. if the bubble gets destroyed early, it should drop orbs then and not in the beginning. this would show signs it did its job as a area of denial tool and kept whatever was in the bubble alive from such a ridiculous onslaught. there are plenty of other ways to adjust how the orbs drop and promote better use for the bubble then abusing its 3 orb production value with defender heavy squads.