Well I will say it without being an asshat about it. Although it seems like a good day I think it would really hurt the game in the long run. Part of the reason why people "grind" in the raids/Nightfalls/ROC etc. is to get the most sought after items in the game. If you take that part out of the game it will surely be dead before Comet drops in the fall.
As much as I curse RNG for giving me One Way Ticket 000 for the 4th time in the Nightfall instead of the Gjallarhorn or some other priceless exotic. I would rather have it drop for me and feel a bit accomplished in the world of Destiny.
Allowing for the sale of all of these items would take away the point any of us play this game and would pretty much turn it into Clash of Clans or FarmVille in the sense that you won't really have to play the game to accomplish anything.
I figured I would give my dissenting opinion without being a jackass about it, like most of the other commenters have been.
Give em hell Guaridan and never give up!
Someone who disagrees with me and doesn't cuss me out like an enraged 12-year old gamer? Amazing