Name- Inevitable Karma
Type- Rocket Launcher
Description- Make them face their doom without sight
First Perk- Tracking Rockets or Detonation Based on Proximity to Targets
Middle Perks- Increased Stability, Larger Blast Radius, Faster Reload
Exotic Perk- Inevitable Karma: upon detonation a stun blast triggers making all enemies blinded for a short time
A rocket that leaves a blinding flash would be epic
Yea perfect for keeping swordbearers still or blinding ogres
Hey mind if I use your exotic in a new post? I'm doing another Exotic Maker with some new ideas and I wanted to include some of the community's ideas.
Sure sounds good
A great exotic for pve and pvp. It would be a rocket that leaves no survivors in pvp and in pve it could substitute as a high damaging flash bang
Yea because only Titans have the flash bang and it'd be like the dragons breath since that has the warlock solar grenade