For anyone who isn't familiar with this thing called the interweb highway it stands for "ask me anything"
[spoiler]hehe desticle now knows how it feels[/spoiler]
Edit: eh
Edit: Thanks BryceJonathan for helping out with the thread!
Edit 300+ holy shot this did a lot better then if I posted it in off topic
Edit: 500!!! That's like a shit ton of beers...
Edit: Finally 700!!! Although this is mostly dead is like to point out that not one person cared that this wasn't in off topic... So yea good for you guys! Also I'm flattered that 76 people like me enough to follow me... The only problem is now whenever I think of something to post I get really anxious that people did people will think "why the hell did I follow this guy??"
Thanks to sirREGINALD the -blam!-er posts more on this thread then anybody else and he's pretty funny :P
Anyway... If we could get 900 I will be so happy I'll do a dare voted on by you guys and grills... As long as it's the most voted and not EXTREMELY Bad like eating shit or -blam!- I'll do it... Keep warm and don't let the frostbite bite ;)
1, 2, 3, 4 Canada deserves more money
do you like being in the commonwealth, and what do you think of our royal family :-)
#Offtopic... [quote]hehe desticle now knows how it feels[/quote]Return back to /flood/ plz.
Do you have a small d*ck?
Are you proud that there are more murders in Baltimore in 1 week than there are in all of Canada in 1 year?
How many people are mauled by moose or elk a year?
Poutine isn´t that good. Amirite?
You focking wanka, ay.
Are you afraid of the dark?
Are you disgusted when someone mistakes you for an american?
Are your jaws really not connected to the rest of your head, buddy?
Why do you have beady little eyes and flapping heads so full of lies?
Why do Americans make fun of our bacon?
To everyone who is not Canadian I have something to say. We are sorry for nickelback we hate them also.
Go wings!
Y don't strippers like loonies thrown at them?
Is your maple syrup as delicious as I want to believe it is?
How aboot that poutine eh? Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hey!! Do you know Bob? From Canada?? [spoiler]I'm Canadian as well. I don't know Bob :([/spoiler]
What area in Canada do you hail? As a fellow freeloader I will judge and possibly hate you based on where you are.
Aren't you too polite and well mannered to be anywhere near this cess pool of a forum?
When you say "about" do people think you say "a boot?"
Sorry to hear
We'll if I knew being Canadian got this attention I would have posted that along time ago