originally posted in:MOX Clan
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1. Mida Multi-tool keeps your speed up in the Abyss UNTIL Wait of Darkness x10!
2. Titans at Ogres and Abyss bridge use bubble to give safety and time for bridge to form.
3. Crota damage and enrage information: http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2tcn37/exactly_18_heavy_smashes_are_required_to_kill_hm/
4. My video of Crota strategy: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=91DD58FEE0514CA!164&authkey=!ANrcYyz_Qt2GD1k&ithint=video%2cmp4
5. A video of killing Crota before Ogres spawn: http://youtu.be/Aqt04nX-Q6s
6. An awesome strategy: http://youtu.be/Ad8m6ZuquG0
7. A modified center strategy with a Titan bubble on Crota's platform: http://youtu.be/fIUEoFq8gHk
Comment with more notes as you learn what works.
Updated: 4 February 2015