I feel those of us beta people should attempt to change the forums. Try posting something positive or thought provoking, not assholeish
Yeah but it's typically put down by people who aren't MMO/RPG players and don't understand the concept of Rng. or they are just dicks and can't refrain from saying something stupid. either way I think the people who are day one players should all work together.
Agreed. I understand RNG although I do wish they could boost the odds for exotics more evenly. Some of my friends have gotten every exotic, while others struggle to get more than those sold by xur. Still kicking myself for not having the coins when gjallarhorn and red death came around
I have red death v1 and in waiting for xur to sell the upgrade, gjallarhorn on the other hand dropped for my once and only once. I get lots of dragons breaths and mythoclasts though.
That's some good luck. I'm proud to say that I have pocket infinity and thunderlord. Might not have all the tier one exotics but I have a few of the more uncommon exotics
gjallarhorn took its spot as the last exotic in my collection before I had every one. all I need is necro now then I wait for HoW
Well that's some good luck man
if you want something up to par with gally try getting hunger of Crota. I love it when I'm not running gally
I have one almost fully upgraded, I love it
ah there ya go