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2/4/2015 7:13:03 PM
I speed run strikes. Why? Cause after doing the same five strikes over 200 times they get boring as hell. I don't care about the adds I don't have to kill to complete the mission. Do u kill every add and finish the whole mission when u get the bounty to kill the first Hive Knight in the mission? Cause I sure as hell don't. It's a waste of time for those who don't care about the small, small, small possibility of getting a legendary engram. I mostly just run strikes to get reputation. So killing everything takes a half hour and speeding takes fifteen min (estimate, not exact, depends on group). I'll take that double rep over extra kills any day. But to each his own. If u wanna kill everything, fine. I'll be waiting for you at the boss already putting damage on him.

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