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Edited by DLarge315: 2/5/2015 1:26:06 AM

Why are players quitting Destiny?

What do you guys think of this!? I've been noticing a HUGE decline in my friends who play Destiny still! Most of my REAL LIFE friends all stopped playing except me and others whom I met online have quit as well! Two of my old clans have vanished! My friends list slashed in half! EDIT: out of my old clan and 182 friends on PSN, all of which used to play destiny, there are 72 online and 2 of them are playing Destiny! So if this trend continues its going to be slim pickens! I feel like its getting worse by the day! **[b]PLEASE BUMP THIS UP[/b] so Bungie will see this!*** Why do you think players are quitting? Do you know of anyone else who has quit? Chime in let us know why you will quit playing or not? Cheers!

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  • No ranked match-making for unbalanced maps, with ridiculous TTK on large portions of community used weapons that no longer allow you to have a play style if you want to actually hold your own in PvP. PvE is bland, out-dated, and hasn't seen anything promoting their missions since DLC, and prior, Queens Wrath. Too many people cheesing their way to victory rather than legitimate play through, and no one agrees on the best cheese method to fail at.

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  • Because the game is boring lol.

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  • Cuzz destiny is boring and don't wait much for new dlc you will get only 3 new missions 1 new raid 2new strikes and some crusible sos for miss spealing destiny is with out fire same old shit they need to do some thing quick bounties are same vender sales same shit strikes are getting boring am gonna wait for dlc but after that -blam!- destiny waste of cash

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  • Stopped playing totally now expect for the nightfalls and heroics Three 32's, totally hit me last week the grind did There's just nothing to play for at the moment I'm on GTA online now which is bringing an all new addiction

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  • Lack of content. People are tired of doing the same missions over again. [spoiler]and over again[/spoiler]

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  • Think I've played like 2 hours the last 2 or 3 weeks. It's just the grind of the same stuff over and over. Ain't feeling it anymore. Raid setup is a pain, using a 3rd part site. Same with Nightfall. Would rather just pop in a game and go. Think I'm done with Destiny. Waiting for Arkham Night...

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  • here's thy they should be quitting

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    4 Replies
    • Because we're f***ing bored. The loot system suffers from being designed to artificially prolong gameplay but fails to deliver any worthwhile results in most cases. Grinding for rewards is tedious and a lot of times the weapon drops aren't worthwhile. Vendors never refresh with different gun rolls, either, so the chance to buy something awesome seldom comes around and only adds to the feeling of stagnation. There's no aesthetic customization options outside of shaders (some of which require insane grinding of factions with no guarantee of a drop) so any sense of character individuality is gone at endgame levels. My level 32 hunter looks like every other 32 hunter, with the exception of "what Iron Banner gear am I using instead of Crota gear?" to change my looks up. This is compounded by having to wear faction items instead of any of the collection of legendary cloaks I like to buy. I look and feel like a clone. Meddling developers shit on player progress with asinine weapon balancing going on constantly. The auto rifle nerf basically made the weapon class garbage-tier, so anyone who sank time and materials into maxing them out are basically sporting paperweights rotting in a Vault while being railroaded into using whatever Bungie's pet weapon class at the time is. The development team's incessant meddling alienates the playerbase further by posting updates with an air of playful, condescending bullshit with each new installment. It becomes clear that they do not listen to their community whatsoever, and fallback heavily on their mantra of [b]"That's not how we meant for you to play."[/b] Raid cheeses and exploits are hunted down and patched with stalwart, uncompromising efficiency but game breaking problems like Raid boss fights acting crazy are never addressed. All of these problems take place across an underwhelming amount of content for a AAA title, also. This is even moreso the case if you're an Xbox player, where you'll also be without several Strikes, and numerous weapons and other equipment. The game just isn't very fun, and the grind isn't worth the effort. And the unpredictability and lack of foresight of the dev team always has the potential to f*** over whichever weapon class I'm most fond of, based upon arbitrary numbers over genuine player feedback. House of Wolves will either save this game, or it will be its coffin nail.

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      8 Replies
      • 1
        Destiny is already old and tired. There is no purpose, few goals, and the content just can't keep the attention of the masses.

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      • I'm actually at the limits the game has to offer. Have all there is to collect, exotic wise. Here and there I could try going for some nice crucible quarter master weapons I like. But the grind for just one gun makes it a little less fun. Especially with a cap at 100 marks a week with guns costing 150. Artificial lengthening is what I call it. Raiding with my clan is all I do, including some nightfalls to help them out. I'm switching over to something else until Destiny gets new content. Let me repeat that I do not hate the game at all. I'm just running out of things to do [u][b][i]I[/i][/b][/u] like to do. I'm certain that with HoW (which they say they are improving on using all the feedback - awesome Bungie, you can do it!) I'll be back in business. :)

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      • The amount of people on my friends list who still play Destiny 'obsessively' has dropped sharply since Christmas - myself included. However that doesn't mean everyone has quit. I haven't and still play a bit each week. In some ways Destiny is an addiction, and a bad one at that. I'll take an example of a few people I know. They'll still go on Destiny all day on a Saturday/Sunday, even though they have nothing to gain from doing bounties/strikes , having nearly everything maxed. They intend to delete two characters and create 3 duplicates for HOW, to maximise how quickly they can get back to Max Level. They did the the same before TDB. When I ask how they can enjoy doing it, they say they doesn't - referring to the grind. While this individual only generally plays on weekends/holidays, it doesn't really strike me as healthy. I guarantee, when they're off school/work for Easter, they'll be playing non stop despite not needing anything, and not really enjoying it. In my opinion, the reason that many people have quit is this - once the addiction is broken, it is obvious how little content the game actually has. Doing the same few levels over and over is not fun - unless you can't help yourself.

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      • Me personally almost quit playing Destiny due to the fact of the drop system. I've had the game since Nov. 2014 and my drops from legendary to exotic have been very slim to none and ranking up is a real grinder for the factions to get the gear you desire. So the drop system sucks ASS and you don't get rewarded for skill playing this game. Like if you're doing a raid the top 3 players with the most accurate precision kills with the least deaths should absolutely get an exotic and the rest should at least get a legendary. Same deal with the strikes playlist. Reward players for their hardcore skill at being dominant slaying the enemy. This past month playing got me my first couple exotic bounties. And I just got my GTA V for my XB1 so Destiny maybe over for me.

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      • Id say a huge number of people would come back if a style tab was introduced, dont see why Bungie cant implement this, if anyone used to play DCUO then the grind just to get new styles to look different was fun re running strikes and raids to get that rare bit of gear to stand out made that game fun, Destiny needs a style tab so gear equipped gives you your stats so full raid = 32 however can be wearing the styles of uncommon armour if thats what floats your boat they probably spent hours designing and implementing all this gear into the game and its worn for 5 mins max whilst you get to the next level when ranking up

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      • Edited by puppyk1sses: 3/28/2015 8:15:22 PM
        As others have hit on: 1) Major lack of content at this point. Our "endgame" doesn't really exist. We have 6 washed-up strikes (8 on PSN) with no difference between them in the loot you get, just aesthetics. And let's be honest: not challenging, no skill required. We also have 2 raids, the first of which was pretty cool, the second of which was not. That's it. 2) Destiny rewards casual players. After you do your weekly stuff, you're done till reset. 3 nightfalls, 3 heroics (only if you're hurting for coins), 3 gorgon CPs, 3 Atheon kills, 3 Deathsinger kills, 3 Crota kills. This will take you maybe 3 hours max for everything. After that, the rewards dramatically taper off, and there's no real reason to keep playing. You could grind strike playlists for a 1% exotic drop chance every 10 mins of playtime. 3) Xur. People know they don't even have to farm cuz Xur comes with additional free stuff each week, provided you can spend 30 or less minutes per week getting coins. You do your weekly stuff, spend a few hrs every week and you get everything Destiny has to offer in this current RNG system. No way to target specific drops. Maybe collect a few bounties here or there with telemetries to add an hour of playtime here or there, but that's it. All these fancy toys to play with, nothing to use them on. All dressed up, nowhere to go.

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        16 Replies
        • Eventually every game runs its course.

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        • Probably because by now this game is old sauce stuck to a dirty plate. Only the most desperate are still playing, while the rest of us have moved on to better things. But the forums are still fun because they are chock full of vitriol!

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        • I play on reset day and maybe the wednesday, then I don't play. I'm just bored. No reason to play.

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        • HoW will bring most of these people back. however, if its not any better than DB, this game is going to be so done lol

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        • Speaking for myself only: Just shaving my play time until House of Wolves. There's only so much to do until one realizes they're walking in circles.

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        • Because its boring after 600 hours nothing to do no point in playing it anymore... not even fun even if you don't have everything you want bc all you do is the same shit every day on it. I swapped to the handsome collection and don't see myself going back to destiny for a long long time. Never thought I'd see the day but yeah... BORINGGGG

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        • Cant stand pvp and I have everything I need, just going to raid now and stay away from hard crota, its too buggy and I have all the rewards

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        • Because how hasn't been given a real release date

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        • To people who say nobody is quitting, compare numbers between someone who started playing since sept last year vs. so called xmas noobs. Quite a large population of the "vets" quit or at least waiting for the game to get tons of updates

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        • You get on, you've already done the nightfalls, weeklies and raid within the first two days of reset. You think if you should do the same bounties you've done since day 1 or same strikes you've played hundreds of times over and over again, or you can.... We'll that's about all you can do.

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        • Deej confirmed Ghorn sale in interview on YouTube. Maybe they will come back for the horn. Excited for the horn to drop.

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          1 Reply
          • Just recently uninstalled it. I be back for HoW

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