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2/5/2015 1:26:07 AM
You know what I think? This is an interesting topic to talk about. Do you remember Mass Effect 2? People were angry because some of the Day 1 DLC was on the disc and free for people who bought the special edition, but others had do pay seperately for it just to unlock it. Same went for some of the weapons. I think that just sucks. Things like characters and weapons that are deliberately held back just to squeeze more money out of the player. I think this case is a bit different. Yes, Destiny could have more content, I agree. Considering how many other games I played for dozens and dozens of hours that did not have me run through the same places over and over and over again. But then again I also played Phantasy Star Online for like 400 hours and that didnt have many places either, so I guess maybe I am not as susceptible to this kind of thing than some other players. I think that, while it is of course curious that some areas are in the game, but are only locked (eg I stumbled over the Kings Watch the other day), I think that really shows you more about the production process than anything. I can imagine that the people who made the actual landscapes just made a lot of stuff and later decided to use part of it in the expansion since it would not serve any purpose in the game at this point. Why go through the trouble of removing it on purpose? And I think that is perfectly fine. After all, what exactly is NEW in a DLC? Cutscenes, yes, weapon models, okay. But there is an underlying infrastructure that is already on the disc, of course. Or do you think the enemies that are already in the game now wont be use again in the DLC? The only thing that I would criticize about for example TDB is, that for the content it features the price is a bit high in my opinion. I would have liked to see more and different areas for that one. Also, there should be an incentive to getting the best armors etc before the DLC because you could also just stock up on vanguard and crucible marks and then just buy the new stuff once the DLC is out, and it will be better or the same as the stuff you got through painful raiding and upgrading. I hope the normal max level will be raised, too. Because if all DLCs and everything that comes now will only focus on light, that would be a complete waste in my opinion, because then the DLCs will be focused one sidedly on gear acquisition. Well the game is pretty unbalanced as it is so there is that. I hope they will surprise is rather than giving standard soup. And I hope if the next DLC is the same price, that it will feature more new areas that are not only accessible through missions...

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