originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
So what's the best way to get a decent heavy weapon? Like my primary and I use murmur or IB in the special but my heavies are junk. Lvl 30 hunter with both classes maxed and still junk.
Strikes, Vanguard Roc's got me most of my better stuff but the top tier items will come from raids. All depends on whether you can get a solid crew of six.
Depends on what you're using it for. Hunger of crota is a good legendary rocket launcher that you can get from the crota raid. As for heavy machine guns, I reconmend something where the rate of fire and impact are close to even. I like the thunderlord, but that's always up to rng.
if you like LMG's the zombie apocalypse from crucible qtr master is great for PvP. If you like rockets I only know of 2 that have target tracking, truth and ghorn. Truth has been sold by Xur a few times. I cant see using rockets that don't lock on target. As far as exotic LMG's the thunderlord is friggin' amazing, especially inPvE
If you don't absolutely hate the Crucible, pop on a Dead Orbit class item and play in the Crucible until you can afford to buy the Deviant Gravity-A. That is by far the best machine gun I've seen in this game.
I like the machine guns, particularly the harms way. Vanguard quartermaster in the hanger has one for sale with void damage. If you've got your vanguard level 3 or higher and have at least 1 commendation and the marks to buy it, I would recommend it. The mag holds 100 rounds when it's perks are leveled up
Curious, what is your heavy arsenal like? Sometimes we underestimate what we have.
Grind out that Vanguard and Crucible rep and pick the stuff that you feel fills in your gaps until something drops that you really want.