[url]http://couchmasta.deviantart.com/art/Stanley-137474256[/url] Something I built in highschool
Does it obey you?
Yeah, I told it to stay once. Been there ever since
That looks really awesome! You ever see the movie called [i]9[/i]?
...look at the page again
Uh. What am I looking for?
I built this for a contest deviantart threw for the movie
Oh! Wow, that's amazing. How'd you fair?
I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO THE GODDAMN SEMI FINALS. I was pissed, the director of the flick was going to review the entries and everything.
Wow, that's lame. That thing is really damn cool. Should've be up there. At least you have a sweet statue though. It'd be cool to have one of those.