Mercury can't be in the game because it's the hottest planet in the solar system. It basically touches the Sun's CMEs and we would all be dead immediately due to radiation and heat. Why do people want to go to a molten rock and fight the vex? These things blow my mind.
Why do people keep saying VENUS is hotter than Mercury? You guys need to learn the order of the planets.
Venus is hotter than Mercury because it has a much thicker atmosphere. The atmosphere, the gaseous layer surrounding a planet, is like a blanket. Think of two people sitting next to a campfire one is much closer to the fire while another is further away. The one that is closer doesn't have a blanket (Mercury), while the other further away has a sleeping bag (Venus). Both persons are getting heat from the fire but the person with the sleeping bag keeps all the heat he or she gets. Mercury is closer but because it has a very thin or no atmosphere at all the heat goes out into space. Venus on the other hand with it's much thicker atmosphere holds all the heat it gets. The heat the atmosphere traps is called the greenhouse effect. If Venus did not have an atmosphere the surface would be -128 degrees Fahrenheit much colder than 333 degrees Fahrenheit, the average temperature of Mercury. Next time don't be a dumb ass and just Google. #science