The box now believes its not a box. But starts to suffer from psychotic bouts of hallucinations and dementia.
"I see you are suffering hallucinogenic sideffects" *takes the rest of the medication* *becomes box*
The box tries to open you. "Reveal your secrets to me!"
*brooklyn accent* there is nothing but the universe n-no nothing. universe. uNNNNIIIIIIiiiiversssse. THerre THERE IS. THERE IS NO BOX>>>X>X>X>>>..... *burst into flames*
The box opens up to try and save you! But out crawls niki manaj and her nasaly ass voice!
Alas, it is too late. Dr. Couchenfreud has moved on to a better place. but probably hell.
*begins to offer words of encouragement, but remembers he is dead. and he is a doctor, therefore there is no god* *continues smoldering, I guess*
The box summons the last of its power. You arise from the ashes but now you are an adorable puppy. "Sorry, i tried. Good news is pretty ladies will love you."
*happy tears and vicious tail wagging* Thanks Box, you've helped me more than I ever could've helped you *pisses joy piss and trots off into the sunset* fin.