The surface of Venus is over 900 degrees so I don't see how this is relevant. Yes, I know mercury it's closest to the sun. If bungie did a better job of explaining the story, you would know that the grimoire explains how the traveler made the other planets livable for humans. I mean c'mon man. It's a Sci-Fi game. How come when you jump on the moon gravity pulls you back down even though there's no atmosphere? Why can't I just float through the air infinitely?
Gravity would still pull you back down to the moon. ....there is still gravity. ....go back to school yeah?
Yes, but not at the same rate it pulls you down on earth.
Yeah so? You'd still get pulled back to the surface, it would take longer, atmosphere does not determine gravity, mass does, you can jump all you want, you'd still end up right back down on the surface
Well my whole point was that it's a science fiction game, and it doesn't have to make sense. I understand that gravity would still affect you. I was just trying to prove a point.
9000 degrees eh? interesting
Haha oops 1 too many zeroes. Should be 900