If you could only choose one load out for the entire game, this means all raids, nightfalls, missions, crucible, iron banner etc. what would it be and why?
I would choose:
Word of Crota
Longbow Synth (Arc)
This would give me each elemental damage type, let me have a hand cannon (my favorite primary type), and give me the jelly horn for taking down Crota. Not to mention a decent crucible loadout.
Edit: You still can't equip more than one exotic.
Edit2: Looks like the most popular choices are:
Fatebringer/Word of Crota/Fang of IY
Black Hammer/Icebreaker/E. Spear
Gjallarhorn/Hunger of Crota/Radegast
Timur's Lash Efrideet's Spear (arc) Gjallarhorn
Vision of Confluence\ ice breaker\ hunger of Crota
Fatebringer, plug one .1, gally
Khostov A bush A stick
last word icebreaker ghally
Word black hammer and gally
Faterbringer Black Hammer Gjallarhorn
Word of Crota Light of the abyss or felwinters Gjallahorn
My Badger CCL Scout Rifle with firefly and explosive rounds, Icebreaker, gally.
Fatebringer Black hammer Gjallahorn
Gjallarhorn Gjallarhorn Gjallarhorn
My best Scout(Saterinne Rapier right now) Ice Breaker AAO with arc
Ghelions demise Black hammer Gally
Fatebringer Swordbreaker Gjallahorn
Fang of Ir Yut Icebreaker Hunger of Crota
Fatebringer Blak Hammer GJALLAHORN
Necrochasm Black Hammer Radegasts Fury
Gjallarhorn for primary Gjallarhorn for secondary Gjallarhorn for heavy
Fatebringer, felwinters lie, Gjallarhorn.
Fang of ir yut black hammer g-horn
Red Death Longbow Synth. (Solar) Song of Ir Yut
Hawkmoon Felwinter Jolders hammer. I like up close confrintations:3
Fatebringer cus Fatebringer Efrideet's Spear Gjallarhorn
Multi tool Blackhammer Exodus Plan with the Proximity thingy.
Abyss Defiant Felwinter's Lie (Void) Thunderlord
Thorn/Prudence II/Valedictorian