If you could only choose one load out for the entire game, this means all raids, nightfalls, missions, crucible, iron banner etc. what would it be and why?
I would choose:
Word of Crota
Longbow Synth (Arc)
This would give me each elemental damage type, let me have a hand cannon (my favorite primary type), and give me the jelly horn for taking down Crota. Not to mention a decent crucible loadout.
Edit: You still can't equip more than one exotic.
Edit2: Looks like the most popular choices are:
Fatebringer/Word of Crota/Fang of IY
Black Hammer/Icebreaker/E. Spear
Gjallarhorn/Hunger of Crota/Radegast
Fatebringer Praedyths Revenge Gjallahorn
Gheleon's Demise Ice Breaker Jolder's Hammer
Fang Void LDR Ghorn
Fatebringer, LDR 5001, gjallarhorn
Fate bringer (if I had one), black hammer, and ghorn
Fang Ice Breaker Corrective Measure
Thorn Efrideet's Spear(Void) Jolder's Hammer(Arc)
For fun Hawkawesome LDR Jolder's Hammer Serious loadout Timur's Lash Ice Breaker Jolder's Hammer
from my current inventory and experience. These are NOT necessarily my favorite weapons, but if you were to limit me I'd choose them to keep as much versatility as possible. Primary: Badger CCL (drop that came w/ explosive rounds, third eye and rodeo. maybe not the BEST perks, but come together to make a good all arounder. also can switch to AP and high caliber rounds). Secondary: Secret Handshake (stock) Heavy: Deviant Gravity A (drop with decent perks). Again, this doesn't represent my BEST guns, but ones that would probably keep my character rounded for all situations...
Fatebringer (arc) Swordbreaker (void) Gjallarhorn (solar)
Fang Longbow (fire) Gjallerhorn
Fang Ice Breaker Void Jolder's Hammer
Fatebringer E-Spear void. Outlaw, field scout and surplus Ghorn
Fang of ir yut (arc) Felwinter (void) Gjallarhorn (solar)
Red death so I never am low for long Icebreaker because infinite ammo is awesome Do I really need to explain Gjallahorn?
Pretty much the same as yours, exept my longbow is solar.
Fatebringer blackhammer and ghorn
Gjallarhorn, truth, and dragons breath. MASS DESTRUCTION. GJALLARHORN AS A PRIMARY.
Fatebringer or one of my many scout with firefly Blackhammer/IB Ghorn/void tracking to cover all elements
Fatebringer Felwinters... maybe Praedyths Revenge Gjallarhorn
Fatebringer Ice Breaker The Deviant-gravity A with the roll that I got
Venation (DO Hand Cannon) or Shadow Price Patience and time Jolder's Hammer.
Red hand 9 Secret handshake Ghorn
Fatebringer Ldr with arc Ghorn Easy.
Edited by I Am CoolGuy: 4/4/2015 12:55:10 AMRed Death Black hammer Corrective measure Strong right? If I went elemental specific. Fatebringer. Arc Longbow. Void Gjallerhorn. Solar