If you could only choose one load out for the entire game, this means all raids, nightfalls, missions, crucible, iron banner etc. what would it be and why?
I would choose:
Word of Crota
Longbow Synth (Arc)
This would give me each elemental damage type, let me have a hand cannon (my favorite primary type), and give me the jelly horn for taking down Crota. Not to mention a decent crucible loadout.
Edit: You still can't equip more than one exotic.
Edit2: Looks like the most popular choices are:
Fatebringer/Word of Crota/Fang of IY
Black Hammer/Icebreaker/E. Spear
Gjallarhorn/Hunger of Crota/Radegast
Edited by I Am CoolGuy: 4/4/2015 12:55:10 AMRed Death Black hammer Corrective measure Strong right? If I went elemental specific. Fatebringer. Arc Longbow. Void Gjallerhorn. Solar
Fang of Ir yut Black Hammer Gjallarhorn
Fatebringer blackhammer/void snipers and Ghorn
Praedyth's Timepiece Broken Truth Truth
VoC Patience and Time My Void Prestige IV (Counterbalance, field scout, fitted stock, crowd control and flared magwell)
Fang IB HoC
Fatebringer BH Gally Pretty much what I use at all times.
VoC Swordbreaker Thunderlord
Fatebringer Black hammer Gjallarhorn
FateBringer Swordbreaker/Ice Breaker Ghorn/HoC
Fatebringer Black hammer Gjallarhorn
No Land Beyond Duke Mk. 20 Despot SA/5
Red Death The Crash Hezen Vengeance
Primary: Thorn Secondary: Light of the Abyss Heavy: Hezen Vengeance
WoC Black hammer (despite not having it) Thunderlord (even though I love my ghorn I want all damage types)
My crypt dweller(fatebringer in 331 scout rifle form) Felwinters lie Ghally The crypt doubles as a sniper killer. Fell for cqc. And ghally needs no explanation. F burn types. Those three wreck regardless of situation
VoC The Crash Gjallarhorn
Fatebringer LDR Gjallarhorn
Word of crota Black hammer Gally
The fang, blackhammer and jellyhorn
Definitely Fatebringer Void E-Spear with surplus Jelly
Edited by Soul4444: 3/16/2015 3:51:45 PMHawkmoon, Black Hammer, Crota Rocket Launcher.
Fatebringer Ldr void Gjallarhorn
Up for anything Black hammer Gjallahorn
Fate bringer Pradethys revenge Gjallarhorn. All you need in life.
Thorn,black hammer, hunger of crota