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2/5/2015 3:44:54 PM
1. I was not making the notion that we decided that the grimoire went in game. That is the developers' decision and so it should remain. I am also well aware of why they hired people to write the grimoire. 2. The video is incorrect on several things. Eris's class is one. She is a Hunter and that can be found in the grimoire. Another is the entire Three Queens section. That quote from Toland refers to the Darkness, not the Hive, and can be found in the Darkness grimoire card section. Those are the major flaws I picked up, but honestly like I said [b]I enjoyed the video[/b]. In fact, I think grimoire videos are an excellent idea, just shorter ones. 3. The grimoire cards are an info-dump yes, but an optional one. The player is not forced to watch them, nor would they be if they were implemented. I was merely stating that they should be either skippable or in a side menu. I do in fact know the difference. 4. I said that "I feel like it wasn't in the game", denoting my feelings or opinion. Do not take my word as law, I do not intend for it to be. Also, just because it works for other MMO's does not mean it will work for Bungie. This is a logical fallacy, and thereby also incorrect. However I do see your point about the time it would take to code. But why not have both eventually? What is the harm in being able to access it both in-game and out? 5. I do not know Bungie's motives, therefore I speculate. I give them the benefit of the doubt, but this is my choice. I don't have to burn them at the stake, but this doesn't mean I'm their pet. There is a middle ground. Clearly there are issues with this game, and I'm just trying to provide some constructive criticism so they can be fixed. Listening to the community actually might increase sales and revenue, so even if they are money grabbers it would be in their best interest to listen to us, which they assure us they are. Only time will tell. 6. I think it is an excellent idea that needs tweaking. This guy did an incredible job, and like I've said I like it. I have only a bit of feedback, that being the videos should be shorter and optional if implemented in-game. I do not hate him, nor do I think these videos have no place. I am simply trying to help. If you interpret this as "BS and speculation" then so be it, but know that I am attempting to look at this objectively. I will work and play and grow, and my opinion may change, but in the end what I say is still only my opinion. That even one other person sees the game in the exact way I do is nothing short of spectacular, and I am honored to talk to someone who is rational and kind enough to further provide feedback to my own, yourself included. I will however defend my opinion just like anyone else would, so I wish you the best, and I hope I did not offend you too much.

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